Anti wants you (2)

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Mark pulled out his phone and handed it to you. On it was about 10 photos of your little boy. Looking at them brought back memories with him and your eyes filled with tears. Mark pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back to comfort you. He also was sniffling softly. A few minutes passed and you both collected yourselves. You glanced at the pictures again before handing Mark his phone back.

"I promise we'll go see him when this is all over." Mark smiled, wiping his eye quickly. For the next 10 minutes he talked about where your son was and what he was doing. He said the foster parents sent him monthly updates about everything. He loved you..he had a child with you...why is Anti treating you like this? Would you ever be able to see your son without the threat of Anti finding him?

That night you slept pretty well. That is until Chica started scratching at your door and barking. You threw off your blanket and opened the door. She ran in and started barking at the tv on the wall. You looked at her quizzically and the tv flicked on by itself. It was static at first and then Anti's face glitched onto the screen. Mark came in and Amy stood in the door way.

"Ooh! Looked who came to the rescue!" Anti cackled. Mark bent over for a second, gripping at his hair in pain. When he straightened up Dark was in control. A Blue and red glow was surrounding him.

"You leave her alone, Anti!" Dark growled.

"You can't protect her forever, Dark." He giggled. "I will make you mine." Anti grinned, staring into your eyes. You shuddered and the tv turned off. Dark turned to you and hesitated before pulling you into his arms.

"I promise to keep you safe." He pulled back, his hands holding yours. "You have my word." You smiled, unsure how to respond. He suddenly flinched away and Dark's aura faded back to Mark. He walked over to Amy whose face looked paler than normal because of what she just witnessed. He hugged her and whispered it'd be okay. You sat on the floor with Chica who was shaking in fear and whining. You hugged her and patted her head, helping her calm down. Mark and Amy went back to bed and Chica decided to sleep next to you. Whether it was to keep you safe, or for her own safety you weren't sure. But it did make you feel more at ease.

You managed to fall asleep once again. Morning came and you quickly showered and went to the kitchen to make some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Mark and Amy came down and happily took some of the finished food and you took yours last. The breakfast table was silent except for the fork-to-plate noises. You cleaned up and Mark left for the supermarket. Amy left also to get to her job. That left you and Chica alone.

You decided to play some video games. An hour later, Mark came back and you helped him put away groceries. He sat down and you both began to play. Still very few words were said amongst the two of you, and a couple times you caught Mark talking to himself, seemingly in an argument with Dark. You brushed it off and Mark took Chica for her walk once the game ended. You decided to lay on the couch for a while to take a nap.

You drifted off into a dream like state and when you opened your eyes you were in the kitchen holding a large bread knife. It felt like a dream, but you could feel the cold floor against your bare feet. You began walking slowly through the dark house, with no destination in mind. Your feet moved on their own and softly padded up the carpeted stairs. Finally you arrived at a door and your hand twisted the handle, pushing it open silently. In you walked and over to a bed. You peered at the faces and noticed it was Mark and Amy.

Partially you thought this was a dream and no harm would come to them, but you feared for your friends just in case it was real. You raised your hand steadily, aiming the knife directly above his chest, completely involuntarily.

Before it could make contact, the wind was knocked out of you. When your vision refocused you saw Darkiplier holding you firmly against the wall. He muttered something foreign and the dream like trance faded. You could move your head again and dropped the knife. Dark released you and stepped back, just watching you carefully.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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