Chapter 1

875 6 3

Gatlin, Nebraska

Age: 15

Silence. That was all that could be heard in the early hours of the morning. You lay awake in your bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about what was to happen after everyone left church that Afternoon. (A/N) I know those of you that do go to church leave the 1st mass before 10 and the 2nd mass after 12, I'm going to use the 2nd mass because I was used to leaving after 12 .-. anyway! Back to the story!)

You didn't really want to be apart Isaac's little cult but you being the teenager that you were, you thought it wouldn't be all that bad because your friends were in it too. Besides, why should anyone listen to what Isaac had to say? Any who, you got up to get dressed for the day. The others were to gather in the cornfield while you and job were the only ones to go to church. Sarah had fallen ill so she had to stay at home with her mother. When you told Isaac you wouldn't be going to the gathering and he asked why, you simply replied that you wanted to be with your family. Fortunately, he agreed to let you go under the condition that you followed through with the plan. You agreed and left. And now here you were getting ready for mass.

You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, wash your face, then comb your (h/l)(h/c) hair. You exited the bathroom and walked over to your wardrobe to pick out your outfit. You decided to wear this cute  lilac long sleeve shirt and tie with a dark purple skirt that stopped just above the knee, black thigh highs and black dress shoes. (As seen above) Once you were finished dressing yourself, you exited your room and headed down stairs for breakfast.

 You walked into the kitchen to find your mother making egg and potato breakfast tacos ( Papa con huevo ;3) Your mother must have heard you enter because she then turned to face you "Didn't think you'd be awake and dressed this early" she said with gentle smile adorning her features. You replied with a chuckle and took a seat at the table "Couldn't really sleep last night, I've had a lot on my mind lately." You sighed. "you need to clear your mind before going to bed hun, otherwise you won't be at ease at night." Your mother then turned back to the stove and finished making the tacos. 'How can one be at ease when they know the terrible fate of another?' you thought to yourself. You were so lost in thought, you hadn't notice your father come in and take the seat in front of you and then snap his fingers to break your train of thought. " You ok there bud?" your father chuckled. You blinked a couple of times and chuckled "Yeah, just lost in thought." Your mother set down a plate in front you, another for your father and one for herself and took the seat beside your father. "Well, we best eat up before we're late for mass" said your mother.  You ate your breakfast taco and washed it down with (f/d). You picked up your plate and washed it in the sink. Your parents finished up and soon the three of you were out the door on began your walk to the church. Your house wasn't that far so there was no need to use the car.

*Time skip to after mass*

You and your parents had just left the church and were now on your way to the diner with Jobe's father and jobe himself. Jobe's parents were very good friends with your parents so it wasn't uncommon for you and the siblings to be seen together. You never really liked kids, but Jobe and Sarah were exceptions. When your parents would go out, you wouldn't mind going over to their house and to babysit them. It was fun actually, better than being with the other teenagers, especially Malachi. Ever since Isaac showed up and made Malachi his "ring leader" he's become an even bigger asshole than he already was. And speaking of the devil, as soon as you walked into the diner, you saw Malachi playing at the pin ball machine.

 He turned to face the door to see who walked in and when he saw that it as you, he locked eyes with you and gave a slight nod, signaling that is was almost time. You gave a slight nod back and took a seat beside Jobe on the stools while your parents talked with an elderly couple. Job had already gotten his food and was now taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake, getting a whipped cream mustache in the process. You smiled and got a napkin to whip it off then stopped when you caught sight Isaac standing outside in front of the window looking in. He spotted Malachi, gave a nod and then turned his attention to you and did the same. You nodded back.

 And that's when all hell broke loose.

Everyone that was drinking coffee had started to violently shake and foam at the mouth, for the coffee had been poisoned. Kids that were in the diner took out kitchen knives, sickles, and other kinds of weapons and proceeded to attack the adults. You and Jobe just sat in horror, watching as Malachi swung his sickle at Jobe's father, slitting his throat and from the looks of it, he was about to do the same with your mother.

 You jumped off the stool and acted out of instinct. Just as Malachi was bringing his sickle down in attempt to slash your mother, you pushed her out of the way.... and you got slashed instead. You cried out and fell to your my knees in pain.

Malachi.... had just cut the right side of your face.

Quickly, you pressed the sleeve of your shirt to your face in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Ignoring the pain, you looked up at Malachi in anger for cutting you and attempting to slash your mother. Malachi gave you a look of shock at first, then quickly gave a look of anger. "What do you think you're doing (l/n)? You're suppose to follow through with the plan. There can be no adults." Malachi growled. You stood in front him and pointed an accusing finger. "Just because YOU could kill your parents in cold blood doesn't mean I could too." You hissed back. Malachi scoffed, proceeded to push you out of the way and throw you to the ground. You watched in horror as he grabbed a fist full of your mother's hair, yanked her head back and slit her throat just as he did with your father.

You felt tears brim the corners of your eyes. Once the diner had been rid of the adults, one of the older boys unlocked the door allowing Isaac to waltz in. Isaac began looking around seemingly pleased until his eyes landed on you. There was this dark look in his eyes and a frown formed on his face. "You've failed to follow through (y/n)" said Isaac, sounding like a parent scolding a child. "Your actions may have displeased me but you will not be punished for it for HE has come to me in my dream last night. HE told me you were going to be of use in the future. So therefore, you will not be punished for you actions."  Said Isaac as he leaned down attempting to brush his fingers against your face but you dodged his hand. He frowned a little but replaced it with a blank expression, straightened himself up and walked out the diner.

Once the door closed, everyone in the diner turned to look at you, some with a look of shock, others with disgust and a few with a look of pity, but you didn't care, you grabbed Jobe's hand and walked out as well. Jobe had tears streaming down his cheeks, sniffling quietly. You walked Jobe home and stayed there with him and Sarah, trying your best to comfort them without breaking down yourself. By the time you looked at the clock, it had gotten pretty late. You helped Jobe and Sarah get ready for bed, not wanting them to stay up too late mourning over their parents.

When they both fell asleep, you went to the bathroom to properly dress your wound. You looked in the mirror and studied your new wound. 'that's definitely going to scar'  you thought to yourself. Malachi had managed to cut you just above your eyebrow and down your cheek. 'I'll get the bastard for this later'  You quickly cleaned the cut and wrapped the dressings. You were going to have to rely on one eye to see for now until your wound heals properly. You went back to the siblings' room and laid down on the floor beside their beds, thinking if they were to wake up earlier than you, they wouldn't panic and wonder as to where you were. You closed your eye and passed over to the dream world...

(A/N) How was that? :D this is my first time writing a book. If you didn't read through the book's bio, basically you're in the children of the corn time line and you're going to leave Nebraska to travel to one of the Slasher's home state cx you won't find out who it is until I've dropped the ultimate hint. I wanted to do something different from what other authors are doing when writing a slashed x reader book. Usually, you would already know who it is and know what to expect, but me? I picked a slasher that doesn't get enough love in my opinion :p sooooooo let me know if you liked the first chapter of my book so far ^.^ I will be writing and uploading the 2nd chapter soon. soooo stay tuned! ~DP

Edit: ok so I went back and read through the chapter to check for any errors I may have made. It turns out, I made a few obvious mistakes and decided to go back and fix them to my satisfaction :) so now that I've finished with the FIRST chapter, I will start the draft for the next chapters that are to come so that by the time I'm finished I can upload them all at once ^.^ until then, let me know what you think and enjoy! ~DP 

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