Chapter 4

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Upon arriving to the cornfield, Malachi gently set you down, attempting to hide his excitement before turning to you holding his hand out for you to take while you brushed yourself off, patting down the skirt of your dress. Once you were satisfied, you flashed him a small smile and took his hand, beginning to walk to where camp was set up. The camp lay hidden in the middle of the cornfield out of sight. This was done so that IF someone were to pass through town, they wouldn't accidently stumble upon camp. That's why Isaac had some of us patrol town while the other half patrolled the edge of the cornfield beside the highway to get rid of anyone sticking their nose where it didn't belong.

This time though, you prayed someone would come. You planned on taking their vehicle before the others could destroy it. Its happened before where the older children would destroy everything under the hood before you even had a chance to get to the car. There was once a time where you had even gone to see the old man, who always seemed to be fixing something in his little shop, and asked if it was possible to fix one of the cars that was parked close by. As much as he would have liked to help you, he informed you he lacked the required parts to even get a car to start up. This time, you were prepared to jump at the first chance you got to take the next victims vehicle and you had to be quick about it.

Finishing that thought up, you brought yourself back to reality, stealing a quick glance at Malachi to your left to see if he had noticed you had spaced out. You took note that he himself had spaced out, smiling to himself while looking off in the distance.

'Good, hes too distracted to have picked up any signs of my true intentions.'

You breathed a sigh of relief and turned your head back to the path ahead of you, noticing you were almost at your destination upon seeing the torches sticking out of the ground. You internally groaned now realizing you had to face Isaac about the matter at hand. You scowled in disgust, definitely not in the mood to see his stupid, creepy little face right now but you had to do what needed to be done in order to be convincing.

'The sooner I get the hell out of here, the better. I wont ever have to face that creepy little shit ever ag-'

"Is something wrong?"

The sound of Malachis voice interrupted your thought causing your head to turn in his direction, he was looking at you with an eyebrow raised, clearly having noticed the scowl on your face.

Oh no, everythings ok. You calmly replied, picking your next words carefully. I was just thinking about this nasty little cockroach I saw earlier and thought I should have killed it when I had the chance. You finished with a chuckle actually referring to Isaac. He seemed to have bought it because he snorted shaking his head and rolled his eyes before looking ahead of him, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Youre so weirdits why I love you.


'Did...Did he just use that 4-letter word?'

Your eyes widened, feeling all the blood rush to your cheeks. You looked off to the side embarrassed causing Malachi to chuckle upon seeing your reaction, a bit of a blush creeping onto his cheeks. Its ok if youre not ready to say it back yet, Im just telling you because thats the way I really feel about you (y/n). he said softly, putting his free hand on your cheek and kissed the other, and stared at you lovingly. You did everything in your power to stop from riling back and slapping him.

'Oh, if only you knew the way I really feel about you and how ridiculous all of this is.'

You simply just smiled sweetly and nodded, begrudgingly putting your free hand over his own, internally screaming. We should get going or else were going to be late for afternoon gathering. You spoke softly, walking forward with Malachi following close behind. Upon crossing the final row of corn, you took note of all the children sitting crisscross around Isaac indicating he was about to start. You quickly looked over the sea of children before finally spotting Jobe and Sarah seated off to the far side. Letting go of Malachis hand, you quickly but quietly made your way over to the siblings and took a seat beside them, Sarah immediately curling up on your lap and Jobe sticking himself by your side. You hugged both children close to yourself protectively, happy to finally see them after almost 3 days. Suddenly another body plopped itself beside you, looking through your peripheral vision to see it was just Malachi. This totally through you off. Hed usually park himself at the very back of the group watching everybody to make sure they were paying attention or that nobody snuck away.

Mystery Slasher x ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara