Chapter 3

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Later that day

12:00 p.m.

You awoke to the feeling of the sun's warm rays peaking through your window. You slowly rolled over to the clock on the nightstand beside your bed to see that is was noon.

'Didn't even sleep that much.' you thought staring up at the ceiling, taking a couple of minutes to think of reasons why you needed to get up before throwing the blankets off of yourself, grabbing a towel and stalking off to the bathroom to take a shower. Stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind you, locking it out of habit, you placed your towel on the rack then stripped yourself of your clothes and turned the knobs in the shower, waiting a bit before adjusting it to the perfect temperature and stepping in.

You sighed in content as the warm water hit your skin, dipping your head back to wet your hair. This was the only time of the day where you could truly be alone with your thoughts without Isaac or Malachi pestering you, interrupting your me time. The sad reality was that you had to constantly be at their side until one of them needed you to take care of business elsewhere like keeping watch, cooking with the other teenage girls or looking after the younger children.

Now you didnt mind taking care of the little ones, even though you werent really found of them but what bothered you was sometimes Isaac would watch you from afar then come sit beside you just to tell you what a great mother youd make, ask you why you havent chosen a husband yet and whatnot. Youd simply brush it off saying you simply werent ready to get married or enter motherhood. To put it simply, you personally thought you were WAY too young to start baring children of your own. Other girls your age already had 1-2 kids but it was their body, their choice so it didnt really bother you.

You sighed, your thoughts lingering back to Malachi. Were you really ready for that kind of commitment?

Your birthday was still a few months away, you still had timebut what if you didnt want to get married? What if you didnt want to get pregnant? You felt like you were being pressured to do it. This was your life, your body, you choose whatever you wanted to do with it. And with that being said, you needed to form a plan to escape from Gatlin and FAST. You couldnt stay here any longer or things were only going to get worse for you. You were not going to die at 18, oh no, you were going to live your life to the fullest, maybe find someone along the way and when you were ready you will be ready to commit.

With that, you quickly washed up, yanked the towel off the rack and dried yourself off, walking over to the mirror to brush your long (h/c) hair. Once you were done, your (e/c) orbs studied your face, more towards the scar on the right side of your face. Your fingers brushed over it gently, frown a bit remembering how you first got it. Sighing, you left the bathroom and walked back to your room to get dressed, already wanting the day to be over. You wished you could just stay your room all day but Isaac would probably send Malachi to literally drag you out of your house. Seems like he cant last 5 minutes without you that one. 'Maybe he has separation anxiety?' you chuckled at that thought. 'Him and Malachi both.'

Walking over to the dresser, you pulled out matching (f/c) bra and panties, black thigh-high socks, and a cute white collared long sleeve (f/c) dress that reached your mid-thighs. 'Oh, this is cute! This will do nicely.' Satisfied with your outfit, you slipped your undergarments on, shimmied into your stockings and then reached for your dress, pulling it over your head, slipping your arms through first before pulled on the fabric done. Patting yourself down, you looked in the full body mirror that was resting in the corner of your room, giving yourself a once over before giving a nod and smiling. You waltzed out of your room and down the stairs to the kitchen to grab a slice of toast and then headed towards to front door. Bending over a bit, you grabbed your belt, wrapping around your waist and buckling it, dual sickles resting in their holsters and your brown timbs, slipping them on and tying them. Finally satisfied, you swung the door open and just when you were about to make the first step outside, you nearly shat yourself at the sight before you.

Standing just a foot from you in the doorway was a wide-eyed Malachi with his fist raised in the air looking like he was getting ready to knock. He quickly put his arm down and spoke, "I came to see if you were awake, I guess you were already on your way over."

After calming down your racing heart, you giggled. "I kinda figured youd come for me at some point. Did Isaac send you? Or are you just waking up yourself and decided to come get me before heading to the cornfield?" you teased, a smirk forming on your delicate face. A light shade of pink dusted Malachis cheeks before he huffed, "To answer your first question, no Isaac didnt send me and to answer your second question, yes I came to get you. I just thought we could walk together." He finished, looking off to the side and scratching the back of his neck clearly flustered. You smiled softly, happy that he wasnt as grouchy as he usually was. Closing the door behind you and locking it, you slipped past him and turned your head back towards him. "Well then lets get going, shall we?" you playfully replied. 'Hopefully his attitude stays the same throughout the day or were definitely gonna have problems.' you mentally chuckled to yourself. His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he smirked, nodding and walking to your side. The both of you set off to the cornfield for afternoon gathering. You wondered where Jobe and Sarah were or if they were ok. You hadnt seen them all day yesterday or the day before and to say, you were beginning to get worried. You sighed, 'I guess Ill find out when its time for afternoon gathering, if theyre not there then Im going to look for them myself.'

Over the past 3 years since our parents were murdered before our very eyes, you took the liberty of raising the 2 siblings as if they were your own. You were their mother and father figure. It broke your heart every time they got scolded for playing a game or doing something fun like using the record player for music that was considered forbidden. It was forbidden to have fun. PERIOD. When the opportunity to leave Gatlin came, you were going to take them with you. No way were you going to leave them here alone with Isaac, Malachi or that...Thing in the cornfield. You had already packed a suitcase full of clothes for all 3 of you and a backpack full of food hidden in the red barn for a quick escape.

The waving of a hand in front of your face broke your train of thought. Blinking you looked at Malachi confused. Concern flickered in his eyes before he spoke, "Something the matter? I lost you there for a sec. Did you hear what I said?" Nervously chuckled, your cheeks dusted a shade of pink, "I'm ok, no need to worry. Ive just had a lot on my mind lately." You replied trying not to raise any suspicions, hoping hed just drop it.

Unfortunately he didnt ._.

"Do you wanna talk about it? What's got you so distracted?" he asked softly. Quickly, you thought of some excuse, not wanting to reveal to him about your little escape plan. "I've just been thinking of this whole marriage thing a lot lately." You blurted out. Only then did you realize the biggest mistake you just made.


At this point you both stopped walking, Malachi looked shocked at your statement, hesitantly taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together, blushing hard now with a gentle smile grazing his features. "Does this mean you agree to becoming my wife?" His other hand gently stroking your face. You mentally scolded yourself for bringing up this topic and now you had to play along so that you can earn his 100% trust. With a sickenly sweet tone of voice and a fake smile, you lightly squeezed his hand and softly replied, "Of course, I think youd make a wonderful husband." He softly squeezed your hand back, "There's still time you know. We can still bare at least 1 child before we are given to HIM. Isn't it exciting my dear (y/n)??" He squealed excitingly like a kid was about to be given the best gift ever. You internally screamed, wanting to take back your words but it was too late for that now. You simply smiled and nodded, hiding you true feelings.

"Well then, if we are to be married, we have to let Isaac know so that he can marry us as soon as possible." Malachi gushed with excitement, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and took off running to the cornfield not wanting to waste anymore time. You let out a squeak as his lifted you up, gripping on the fabric of his shirt fearing he might drop you with how high you were off the ground. He is pretty tall compared to your small form. All you could do now was thinking of different scenarios of how the conversation with Isaac was going to go...

'What have I gotten myself into?...fuck my life honestly'

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