Chapter 2

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It was the next day. I woke up around 11 which was around the time Ally would be coming over. She had been coming over everyday so we could hang out. I asked her to move in but she didn't wanna take things too fast.

I was going to ask her to join me on going to Florida. I knew she would say yes but it was nice to ask right?

I sleepily rolled out of bed to get dressed in clean clothes. I wasn't one for looking presentable in the least to say but anything was better than a tank top and pajama shorts.

I contemplated on weather or not I should wear my blue Reckless hoodie or my plain white one. I had been wearing the blue one for a week straight now so I figured I'd wear the plain white one. I also picked up some grey shorts from the ground to wear because fuck it.

I heard the front door unlock which I assumed with Ally, which it was.

"Hey." I greeted her while stretching.

"Hey." She replied back very lazily. I assume she had just woken up as well.

We sat on the couch and played a couple rounds of Overwatch.

We had been playing for about an hour now. It was mostly her raging at how many wins I was receiving.

"So Ally I wanted to ask you." I began. She paused the game and turned to face me with a small smile.

"Hm?" She hummed as a way to 'yes'.

"Albert invited you and I to come over to Florida. We will be there October 1 to January 7th, you in?" I asked. I could see she was surprised by the huge amount of days we would be staying.

"That's like more than 3 months!" She said with her eyes wide with astonishment.

"So is that a yes?" I asked unsure of her answer. (A/N: great Hamilton reference imma right, anyway keep reading.)

"Of course! I wanna finally meet Albert and Lana!" Ally cheered. She kissed me on the cheek and we continued to play.

The rest of the day from then on was just Ally and I hanging out. We ordered take out, played games and cuddled on the couch.

It was just a usual day. However, Albert's end wasn't as eventful. I don't know exactly what happened but I'll try my best to explain.

It was mostly sunny in Florida during these times. The wind had picked up slightly and less people were out in sandals. It was a lovely day to be out and about so that's what they did.

Albert and Lana were planning to go to the beach one last time before fall took place. Of course, Albert was up all night recording videos so he didn't wake up at the expected time that they had planned.

Having said that, Lana and Albert missed their beach day.

So that's pretty much what happened today. Albert and I talked through discord of course which was everyday but other than that, nothing else really happened so I'll skip to next week.

It was a cold, quiet afternoon in Ohio. Ally and I were getting ready to drive down to the airport. We had our bags packed and loaded into the trunk of the car.

Once we arrived at the airport we immediately headed to the place where you drop off your bags. We had our tickets and passports in hand so we were able to slide through security easily.

The flight was boring. Ally had fallen asleep so I just played with a pen the whole flight.

Once we got off he plane we headed to baggage claim. We claimed our bags and headed for the doors that led out the airport.

Albert had told me to look for a white car with a little pumpkin on top in which we did. Ally spotted the car and Albert and Lana both came running towards us.

"What's going on Jake?" Albert playfully poked my stomach and laughed.

"Says you!" I squeezed his arm in response to his playful antic.

"Ally! So nice to meet you." Albert said gesturing for her to shake his hand.

"Hi Albert! I've heard so much about you!" Ally shook his hand and greeted Lana afterwards.

After everyone had greeted one another, Albert and Lana helped put our bags into the trunk of the car. Ally and I sat at the back while Lana sat in the drivers seat and Albert in the passenger's.

"Albert, did you leave the car running?" Lana asked.

"Well...I thought it wouldn't take so long to get the suitcases in the trunk." Albert replied thinking nothing of the thought.

"Someone could've stolen our car but that's okay no biggie." Lana rolled her eyes and began to back out of the parking spot.

"Lana please, not now." Albert whispered. I think he assumed Ally and I couldn't hear.

Ally and I exchanged glances and turned to the front for steady conversation.

The car ride was pretty chill. It was 7 in the evening so the sun was about to set. We all made causal conversation; mostly about what we would do for 3 mouths. I also couldn't help but witness the amount of tension between Albert and Lana. Every time one another spoke, the other would make some snarky remark or roll their eyes.

We arrived at the house. It was just like I remembered from the other times I had arrived here. Ally and I retrieved our luggage from the back and stepped inside after Lana and Albert.

"I'll give Ally the house tour while you boys get settled in upstairs." Lana smiled. Albert helped me get the suitcases up the stairs and into the guest room which we were staying in.

"Thanks for the help." I said placing down the luggage.

"Yeah no problem." He replied.

I began unpacking and getting settled into the room. We were going to be staying for a while so I figured I'd just do it now. I also wanted to asked Albert about him and Lana, though, I felt the topic was a bit too sensitive at the moment.

Once Albert helped me get settled in we began to set up my recording equipment. I obviously set up in his office space which was perfect for the both of us.

Skipping to around 9 in the evening, Lana had ordered pizza for us to have for dinner. It was great knowing how I could share my pizza addiction with people I actually liked rather than alone in my small apartment.

"Albert, can you get some plates out please?" Lana called from the kitchen. I watched as he sighed and got up from the couch to help her.

The rest of the evening was just us 4 hanging out and eating pizza. It was an amazing first night there but I just wished Lana and Albert would get along a bit more. I could see why they needed a break from each other though. They seemed to be both at each other's necks.

We retired for the night considering Ally and I had slight jet-lag. We said our good-nights and headed into separate rooms.

Ally agreed that I could use the bathroom first which was outside of the room. As I approached the bathroom I could here muffled voiced coming from, presumably, Albert and Lana's room.

"Can you please calm the fuck down! I thought now that we had guests, you'd act like this a lot less." I heard Albert say.

"Oh so just because we have guests, I have to repress my feelings?!" Lana shot back.

"No! I'm not saying that! I'm saying we just need to keep things a little chill okay? I don't want to make Ally and Jake uncomfortable." Albert said. He seemed surprisingly calm by the situation.

"Whatever honestly." Lana replied. I cringed at the sarcastic remark.

"Lana please don-"


I figured it was best not to intruded on things that weren't my business anymore. I felt sort of sorry for Albert, he couldn't even sleep in the guest room to get away from Lana now.

A/N: NO HATE TOWARDS LANA!!!!!! Anyway, have a nice day! ~ Sam

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