Chapter 2

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Lydia POV

Dad woke me up early and I'm not pleased. "Dad it's 8. Why am I awake?" I toss a pillow over my face and go back to sleep.

"You know Lyds, I used to wake up at 5 in the morning to get tennis in before school, then do homework, and a night I would be back on the courts practicing. Don't complain to me." I sigh. I always have to hear his "back in my day" story's that aren't relevant in 2018.

Quickly, I dress in a blue shirt and jean shorts and some sandals before slipping sandals on my feet. Walking over to my makeup bag that is on the bathroom counter, I grab my rings out of a smaller box and pick out three rings to wear today.  I love my rings! I have countless amounts and I wear them everyday, changing them every morning.

When I walk out the bathroom I'm greeted by dad, who has a look on his face.

"That's not a tennis outfit. How are you going to hit and run down balls comfortably in that?" He questions.

"I'd rather go sightseeing for one day. I'll hit tomorrow. I've been hitting everyday for a month. I deserve one day off, don't I?"

He gives me that famous parent look saying, "you know better so don't make me explain it" but continues to explain it. "Do you think Roger takes days off? Do you think Serena takes days off? If you want to be the best, you have to train the best."

Sighing, I go back to the bathroom and change into work out clothing. I go down to the lobby and eat a light breakfast of fruits and toast before making my way to the US Open grounds for the day, for an early morning practice.

Taking my time, I finish my stretching in a half hour and see Jez Green walk onto the practice court.

"You didn't start practicing yet. Let's go, kid." He claps his hand in a hurry then smiles, giving me a quick hug. The rest of the Zverev camp follows him over. I smile to Hugo, Alexander, Sascha, Irina, and run over to pet Lövík.

Dad starts the practice and I watch Sascha intensively, studying his movement, trying to learn what I do differently. That's when he calls me over and it's now my turn to hit with the world number three.

We play a point and it's a half decent rally, we are changing up the shots well and making the other work hard. I love when I'm hitting with someone who treats practice like a match.

Sascha hits a deep down the line and I sprint towards the other side of the court. I get there in time and hit a drop shot. Not just any drop shit but a terrible, miss timed drop shot, even though I had plenty of time to hit a better shot. I shake my head as I watch the ball go well out, not even hitting the court.

"Lydia! Why did you choose that shot? You had plenty of time and saw Sascha coming up to net. Think about the next stroke and how you can get and stay ahead of your opponent" Dad lectures from the side of the net.

I roll my eyes as I turn to walk back to the baseline. "Like I don't already know" I mutter under my breathe. We play another point and Sascha gets the best of me again. And again, and again... and again. I eventually have enough and throw my racket at my bag as I take a seat.

Dad starts lecturing me about my attitude and how I need to reset and keep hitting to get better.

"Dad, I love that you're trying to help me but you are Sascha's coach. Shouldn't you be giving him advice?" I question, my voice filled to its maximum sass levels.

"Actually I was hitting well, you are the one that needs the coaching" Sascha chirps in, trying not to laugh at his own joke. I ignore it and get back to hitting. Today just isn't my day as I hit every ball into the net or well long.

"Forget it. I'm just gonna go for a run instead" I pack my things and grab my earbuds instead. I run until I find a little park down the street from the grounds. I explore the park with a million flowers and clear lake with geese flying above. When I need a quick break, I take a seat on a bench and take everything in.

It's peaceful here, I think I could spend my entire day here. Unfortunately, I have to get back to the hotel. Standing up, I jog back to the grounds to take a car to our hotel.

I make my way to my room and see dad.

"Sorry for the things I said at practice. I was just mad that I couldn't make any of my shots today. I love you, dad." I kiss his cheek.

"It's fine. I love you too. Tomorrow morning, Sascha needs to do physical training before his first match the next day. You should go with him. I think it would be good for both of you" he says.

I nod my head in agreement as I begin charging my dying phone.

~the next morning~

"Hey Sascha" I greet. I haven't talked to him much before. Every word I've ever said was always sarcastic too. It should be fun to finally talk with him, genuinely.

"Hey Lydia. Ready to go? Hopefully, your running can keep up with me better than your tennis can" he says with a cheeky grin as he bolts off, leaving me behind. I sprint to catch up and pass him. We go back and forth for a little bit before getting tired and going back to a steady pace.

"Ever go to this park? I ran here last night. It's beautiful" I state. Without hesitation he turns into the entrance of the park and slows down to a walking speed. I slow down beside him and start to catch my breathe.

We both stay quiet, taking everything in; watching the children and a grandfather throwing bread into the water for the ducks, seeing ripples appear at the surface from the fish popping up to steal the bread the ducks missed.

I take a seat on the same bench I stopped at last night and Sascha joins me. I can hear him trying to steady out his breathing. It's relaxing sitting here listening to his heavy breaths for air. I start to sit back to stretch out on the bench. The second my back hits the bench I jump a little. Sascha had his hand there.

"Sorry" I chuckle awkwardly. He laughs and pulls me back, not wanting me to be sitting forward if I don't want to.

"We should finish this run before we get stiff" I jump up and begin jogging, turning back to see if he was following me. I catch him watching with a smile before catching up to me.

Could I really have a thing for my dads pupil?

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