Chapter One

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(Crucial words may be implied in dialogue: Read in your comfort)

Green and Grey

Annabeth puked for the first time of the day, her curly blonde hair falling down her shoulders as she let go of it.

Pretty girls are skinny.

"Come on, you take too long!" her younger brother, Bobby, yelled while knocking on the door.

"Shut up you annoying twat!" She yelled back flushing the toilet and getting up from her kneeling position on the floor.

She frowned while looking at the mirror for the last time, the dull eyes of hers staring down at her.

Annabeth, you're too fat. Stop eating. You're face is too chubby, you're thighs are too thick! And your-

She closed her eyes for a moment of silence, voices in her head whispering like cold wind blowing in her ears.

The less you eat the more prettier you become..

"Annabeth!" her brother hollered banging on the door harder then the last time.

She opened the door while pushing her way through the ignorant human being she lived with.

"You're so annoying and stupid." he muttered slamming the door on her face with force.

She laughed mockingly,"Tell that to someone who gives a damn about what you say!"

Annabeth smiled with victory and adrenaline but her heart broke into a million pieces.

You care, stupid...

She couldn't help but tug her sleeve closer to her skin, as if anyone would care to ask why she was wearing long sweaters in the middle of the summer.

You're just not smart enough to be capable of being mine...Call me when you're smart.

She grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder, not acknowledging her existence to her 'parents' and walking to the door that lead to a whole different world.

A place she didn't want to step into and face the reality of not being good enough for society.

And facing the flaws of her body.

Because society says you have to wear makeup to be pretty, because society doesn't like plus size girls. So darling, starve yourself to become perfect. To become accepted.

She walked towards her bus stop, her boots crunching into mother earth, and taking out her iPod.

"Hey it's Teacher's Slut!" a snobby boy yelled pointing at her and she rolled her eyes as everyone started laughing.

"Did you guys enjoy the janitor's closet yesterday?" he smeared his voice with pure hatred and disgust, people circling her as if she was a freak show.

She ignored him, plugging her earphones in. The world turning off in her command of music.

"Tell me you whore!" he grabbed her iPod out of her hand and throwing it to the ground and cracking but she didn't care about the smirk on his face nor the cracks.

She simply picked it up and tucked it in her pocket with a frown plastered on her broken face.

"Are you deaf? Answer me you bitch!" He spat stepping forward, and shoving her down to the ground with his giant of a body, laughter erupting through the thin air.

"I...I..He..." She stuttered and he growled with pure hatred showing through his pitch black eyes.

"You're so fucking useless!" he kicked her with force, hitting her stomach and she invited the pain with a welcome.

She was used to it yet she dearly missed it every single time.

The stinging and numbness taking her body like a sick virus, people joining in and smiling with a pleasure hinting in their cold eyes which she found sick.

The purity in a child's eyes was replaced in your teenage years with the opening of hell. Judgemental people strolling down the hall like kings and queens, the once young innocent girl now throwing herself like nothing, the boy next door selling drugs just to earn money.

Someday I want to grow up and stay up all night!

In so many ways she was naive, even in some parts of her life she thought everything was going to get better.

It never did.

Now, she's choking in a cry, the lump in her throat disclosing any means for air to thrust down her lungs.

Oh Anna...






The chants of the truth drowning away as she brought her legs to her chest and covering her ears with her eyes, tears threatening to fall and collapse.

She was ready to give into darkness.

I believe in angels... She once whispered to her father in the dark, clutching his rough hands.

Annabeth, you have to believe in demons to believe in angels. His own words scaring her skin and leaving her drowning in her own thoughts. Killing her by the minute.

She no longer wanted to grow up.

"Peter pan, save me..."

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