Episode 03: The Silurian Complex

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The TARDIS had landed in Cardiff, the Doctor said it was a fuel stop. That there was some kind of rift here that spewed out energy that the TARDIS could absorb and use as fuel. Alliyah was torn away from thinking about this as a groan emanated from where Joshua's sleeping body had been laid for the last two days.

"Doctor? He's waking up!" Alliyah called to the Time Lord as he appeared on one of the staircases that connected the console room to the rest of the TARDIS.

"Right don't panic but you need to get back" The Doctor yelled as he bolted down the stairs to the console to fumble around in one of the compartments underneath it.

"Why? What's going to happen Doctor?" As Alliyah spoke the words Joshua's body began to glow a deep red. Suddenly his eyes flicked open and he let out a bloodcurdling scream "DOCTOR, HELP HIM!"

"It's okay, I healed the concussion but this is the final stage! A charged shot from a Dalek has a lot of KARR radiation and Joshua's body has absorbed a lot of it, the device I planted on him healed the physical ailments but also extracts any radiation but it's got nowhere to go which is why I've got..." The Doctor fumbled around some more in the compartment before pulling out a large metal sphere triumphantly "THIS!"

The Doctor ran over to Joshua and hit a big red button on top of the sphere which started to vibrate violently. The red glow over Joshua began to shift into the sphere until he stopped screaming and lay there panting. The sphere in the Doctors hand began to glow red and he hissed as if he was holding a hot pan, he ran over to the TARDIS console and threw it back into the compartment and locked it before looking back over at Joshua "should be good as new"

Joshua got up steadily and looked directly at Alliyah "Where am I"

Alliyah smiled at him "You're on the TARDIS with me and the Doctor, Your safe"

Joshua looked around "The TARDIS?"

The Doctor came to stand next to Alliyah and knelt down to inspect Joshua "My ship, bigger on the inside. You've missed the first half of the introduction so it's going to be a bit confusing for you"

Joshua rubbed his head "But I was in the game, the Laotians had us trapped! Doctor you died?"

The Doctor stood and straightened his tie "Yes but don't worry I stopped them, sucked the whole game into the vortex using a Dalek and a bit of water"

"The Dalek! Did anyone else make it out?" Joshua looked worried

"I'm sorry Joshua the Dalek killed all the other survivors, there was nothing any of us could have done the room was designed to finish off all the contestants" The Doctors face had lost all trace of emotion as he broke the news to Joshua. Alliyah knew that the Doctor took loses personally and she hoped that Joshua wouldn't probe any further into the fates of the people that both men had pledged to protect.

Joshua hung is head at the news and took a deep breath "Well, we don't forget them, right?"

The Doctor smiled and offered Joshua a hand up "Never, not a single one" he said as he pulled Joshua to his feet "Do you remember anything else?" The Doctor asked inquisitively

"Not really" Joshua groaned as he ran a hand through his hair "It's all really fuzzy, like trying to recall a dream. I remember some Scottish dude or something"

The Doctor smiled "With angry eyebrows?"

Joshua frowned "Yeah, how did you know?"

Alliyah laughed "You saved us, me and the Doctor! You made the TARDIS come to our rescue using some voice command thing" She pulled him into a hug "Without you we would be dead"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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