De Chagny

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When they surfaced Angel blinked at the sun on her face. It felt wierd to come from the cool confortable lair to out here were the sun was shining. Taking a side ally Erik led her into town. Stopping at the bank she traded another two rings for more money as she walked out Erik scowled.

"Why must you trade your jewlery for money. I have more then enough."

Angel smiled evily. "Because it isn't mine. The jewlery I have been trading belonged to Ryan and Christa."

Erik laughed. "I must get a couple things you go get you another dress. I hate to see you wear a 'hand me down'"

As he walked off Angel walked into the dress store and immedietly found a beautiful fabric of midnight blue that almost twinkied in the light. Perfect. After getting the messurement the dress make smiled as she piad.

"It'll be ready in a week ma'am."

"Thank you."

Going to the next store she bought a few lady things such as another brush and some perfume. As she walked out her bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." She looked up and groaned.

William smiled back down at her. "How have you been I haven't seen you in almost a week. Is everything alright?"

"Yes." She started to walked off.

"Angel wait."

She froze and turned on him. "How do you know my name?"

He looked sheepish. "The banker told me."

"And why prey tell did he do that?"

"I have asked."

"Oh well." She walked off toward the market for the food.

"Angel please let me explain."

"Explain what you have interrigated people to find out who I am?"

"To protect you!"

She rounded on him. "Protect me from what?"

"From danger."

She crossed her arms. "And why would you think I am in danger?"

"Because I know you are lieing. I know your not staying at the hotel. They never saw you before except for the time I dropped you off and then they said you snuck out the back. A maid said she saw you walk toward the old Populaire. An look at you. There is a cut on your cheek and a bruise on your neck." He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer a move that made Angel wince for he put pressure on the cut on her back. "Tell me who he is an I can protect you. Come with me so you won't get hurt anymore."

"William let me go!"

"You have to come with me. I have an estate right outside of paris me and my brother both have houses there you can come stay with me were you can be safe. You said do yourself you are not from here. What will happen if something happen. You said you were here alone who will protect you?"

She pushed on his chest trying to make him let her go. He was just 3 inches taller then her. She tought he was weak but there was enough muscle to hold her still. Where was Erik she could use his help about now?"I have someone to protect me and believe me when I say if you don't take your hands off me he'll or I'll break them."


"I sujest monsieur that you let her go, now."

Erik had just walked out of the store his music papers in hand." Angel?" His attention was turned Angel was marching down the street looking annoyed as the yound fob was trying to get her attention he watched as she rounded on him. Did she care for the fob? Did she forget him so soon? As he looked on her saw her eyes and how annoyed and angry she was. He smiled so the young man has made her mad. He supressed a growl as the man touched her check and then grabbing her into his arms. He made his way over trying to push the phantom back down who has rose to the surface after seeing Angel wince the the stupid boy putting pressure on her back.

I have someone to protect me and believe me when I say if you don't take your hands off me he'll or I'll break them."

"I sujest monsieur that you let her go, now."

Angel looked up an he almsot smiled at the relief on her face. With William's attention on the phantom she was able to push him away. As soon as she did Erik wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to his side.

William looked on fumming as he was interupted. The name who stood before him had an air of danger to him. An he held the woman he wanted. "Who are you sir."

Angel though quickly. "This is my suitor William. I met him the day I arrived. He has helped me out in many way to grow accustomed to this new area."

"Really? An is he also the one who has harmed you?"

Before she could answer Erik took a step forward.'uh oh his eyes are going yellow again. The phantom picks the worst time. "Listen closly boy stay away from my Angel or deal with me. She had made it known she isn't interested in you. So take that as a response and move on to another."

William looked at her. "So this is what you chose. A deranged man who is mad and who abuses you?"

"He doesn't hurt me he protects me."

William gestered to her. "Apparently he hasn't done a very good job. Look at you."

Erik took a step closer and Angel pulled him back. "No not here." When he looked down at her she whispered so only he could hear. "Phantom please. Here you'll have the police after me you and Erik just let the worthless fob live and lets go in peace. Please!" His eyes changed and he nodded. Looking at the young man he glared. "Be warned to stay away from us." With that he lead Angel away they quickly did thier shopping and made thier way back to the secrete passageway to lead back down to the lair...

William sat on the bench glaring at the alley the couple disappeared to. He had to get her away from that man he was dangerous. You could see that in just how he held himself. He remembered the night the Populaire burned down that man resembles the phantom. But could it be? He pulled out the letter he had recieved. He remembered sending on to his brother and was glad for a response.


Thank you for your letter we are happy to hear your visit to Paris was a nice one

I hope the woman you wrote about will love you as my wife has.

As to your concern. You worry the woman is in trouble, help her.

Keep her away from the Populaire. Who knows if that monster is still alive.

He will stop at nothing to get what he wants and kill in the process, I should know.

We'll be in Paris soon and when I arrive I will assist you as best I can.

Two should be able to finally rid this world of the beast below.

Hope the coming days are brighter for you brother.

Sincerly, your brother

Vicomte Roual de Chagny

William smiled as he closed the letter. Yes his brother would know. He had chose Christine and wonderful woman but held no flame to his Angel. He should of just whisked her off. She would be his she would make the perfect wife. A little high strung but that was to be expected. That was easily broken. He folded the letter and placed it into his jacket. His little brother was always the favorite he got to marry for love. William was almost remove from the family when he made such a sujestion. He needed to act fast. His parents made it clear if he didn't marry within the year the title an everything that goes with it will go to his little brother. He knew this woman would be what his parents wanted. It was who he wanted and he will have her.

He smiled as his eyes glazed over. 'Maybe I'll use this MAN to ride me of the annoying little brother as well.' To bad he couldn't have fun with Christine as well. Maybe before he kill her he will. But his main goal will be for HIS ANGEL.

"Soon my Angel I'll clip your wings and you will be forever mine.!"

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