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Angel opened her eyes again and saw it was fully dark. They would be back any minute she was sure. Slowly extracting herself from her loves arms she stood up and retreaved her modern undergarments. Grabbing the dress she silently thanked Christine for have one of hers let out so she had something other then her bloody dress. Sliding it over her legs she went to pull it up when she felt hands cover hers.

"Let me help."

Angel smiled as she dropped her hands and Erik slowly pulled the dress up her legs. She sighed as she felt his lips on her shoulder gently placing little nips here and there. Getting the dress in place he buttoned it up .

"You know I perfer some of your modern clothes then the dress."

Angel laughed. "I know I hate always having to wear a dress."

He turned her in his arms and held her close. "No I mean how in those thigh trousers I can easily see ever curve of your lucious body."

Angel laughed and looked at him mischievously. "Was that the Phantom or Erik."

"How about both."

As Erik leaned forward he was stopped by the sound of a carage. Walking to the window he saw the carage with Raoul Christine and his new daughter Gwen had returned. He walked back and laced his fingers with Angel's "Come my love our daughter has returned."

They walked downstairs and stood in the foyer as the door opened and Gwen barroled in. Seeing Angel and Erik she ran for them and pratically jumped into Erik's arms.

"Mommy, Daddy, I had so much fun. Paris was beautiful and we stopped for lunch and they let me have a sweet, and when uncle Raoul tickled me I smeared whipped cream on his face and Aunt Christine couldn't stop laughing."

Angel's eyes danced with laughter as she watched Raoul and Christine walk in. "So whipped cream in the face hu."

Raoul smirked. "I have a feeling she will soon take after her new father in pranks."

Erik looked at the little girl in his arms and smirked. "You are her uncle now so she needs to keep you on your toes."

Christine laughed. "Then my little one will do the same. We'll be tiptoeing around the kids all the time soon."

Gwen held her arms out to Angel who took hre and hugged her. "They got me new clothes and toes and things for my new room."

Erik stepped toward Raoul. "I'll help bring it to her room."

Before Raoul could say anything Erik stepped out to the carrage and began to lift things and then carried them inside.

As the men sat and worked Christine walked to Angel and led her to the sitting room. They sat and Gwen walked off to go play with the dog that was running around.

"So Angel did you use the day wisly?"

Angel smirked knowing what she was asking. "We got the room ready yes."

"Just the room?"

Angel knew then she was going to really like Christine she leanedcloser and whispered. "Well I took the time to perform some of my... duties to my husband."

Christine gasped. "Husband ... You two...?"

Angel felt bad now she loved the idea of Erik being her husband but she was feeling bad about lying to Christine.

"Angel?" They looked up to see Raoul and Erik at the door.

Erik noticed the stress eminating off Angel. What happened? Why was she stressed?

What did Christine say to our Angel? The phantom growled in Erik's head.

Let figure out whats going on before we rage. Remember we have a daughter now.

I agree

His question was answered when Christine jumped up and pulled the men in the room and had Erik sit beside Angel she sat by Raoul and smiled up at her husband.

"Raoul we need to celebrate."


"I just leanred why Angel insist on the same room. You had a dought about her reputation but why dought a wife."

Raoul's eyes widened. "Wife?" He looked at Erik and Angel.

Angel blushed. "Yes me and Erik are married it was quiet and recently." Erik felt the stress roll off her. Why?

Leaning closer he whispered so only she could hear. "Do you not wish us to continue to act like we are married." He was scared of her answer.

Angel whispered back. "I'd like nothing better then to contine or make it real. I just hate having to lie to Christine and Raoul."

Erik felt the Phantom growl in his head at her answer. As she continued to take with Raoul and Christine he and the Phantom had a private converstation.

She just hates lieing to others about it.

She did say she didn't want it to end. We can keep her. You saw how much she wanted up today.

That I did she has a passion to rival our own... Hang on she said she it could be real... Did she mean to actualy be married to use.

I believe it is. She is a passionate woman who know about us and knows about what it is like to live like we did. Christine could never have done that. Angel is the perfect woman to spend our life with.

But would see.

Yes she would.

Erik looked into Angel's eyes and when she smiled he knew his answer.

"I have something to ask?"

Everyone went silent as Erik slid to one knee infront of Angel. "Would you be willing to make it official in witness?.. Will you marry me again Angel." His eyes twinkled and he slid a ring from his pocket. "I know we lost the other ring but please take this one and a sign of my heart and soul which belongs to you."

Angel was bunfounded at the declaration of her Phantom. She heard a sniff and saw Christine was trying not to cry. She smiled at her lover. "Yes... Oh God yes!" She slid from the couch into his arms. He slid the ring onto her finger.

Raould stood up with Christine who stepped over to hug Angel. "Its official we need to have a feast."

"No Christine"

"Yes..." She ran off and Raoul sighed. "Come newly weds supper is ready." He walked off.

Angel turned to Erik. "Are you really for real asking me to marry you?"

He smiled. "that I am."

She threw her arms around him and hugged him close lifting her head only to kiss him sensless. "I love you... Both of you!"

His arms tightened. "An we you." With that they made thier way to the dining room where they sat down with Gwen beside them.

The New Angel of Music (discountinued)Where stories live. Discover now