Chapter 1: My Love

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Flynn's POV

A soft poking. That is what I woke up to. Soft little fingers were poking my stomache. I already knew who it was. It was my two little twin brothers. They were always first to wake up in the house and they always ended up in my room.

Being their little 4 year old selves they would always cling to me and touch me. I already knew what was coming next. They would slowly fall asleep on me making me late for school.

I would do anything for my little brothers. They mean the world to me and if being a little late meant that they would get a few more minutes of sleep, I would happily lay here with them asleep on my chest.

But I couldn't be late today. I had to get to school early to do something. Today would be the day that I start to make a move.

My crush.

She was my everything, she always consumed my thoughts and telling my friends was a bad idea. They would tease me non stop. Every time she walked passed me in the hallways I would slow down a little just to stare at her a little longer. It was embaressing that one time I stopped completely and my friend had to push me along because I wanted to follow her.

She truly has me wrapped around her finger and she dosent even know it. I had a game plan. This morning I was going to tape some roses to her locker and I would slowly serenade her with small tokens of my love. I can't wait until she is all mine.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw two sets if eyes staring back at me. Kyle and Liam were too wild. I sat up and they stopped poking me.

" You guys know you can't make me late today right ?" I said.

They nooded their little heads with big smiles on their faces. My little brother also knew about my crush.

"Your going to see the girl you love " Liam said eagarly as Kyle nooded happily in agreement.

"Yeah I am" I said with a goofy smile.

They both got off my bed and ran out of my room, no doubt going to find someone else to annoy.

I needed to get to school.

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