chapter 3

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I woke up with a mean headache. I looked at my surroundings and didnt notice where i was.

I stood up and walked around the odd room. It was grey and white. I walked out of the room and went down the stairs. On my way down i heard people talking.

I went to go see who it was. I came face to face with one of my best friends,Jacob. He sees me and motions for me to go sit with him and hands me a bowl with some cereal.

I look around and realise am still at his house.

"What happened last night?" I asked him. "You were almost raped last night but my cousin came to the rescue before it happened."

"Which cousin?" i asked with a frown on my face. " You remember the guy we saw walk into our class at school on Monday?" i nod not understanding how that hunk is related to any of this. "well he's my cousin and he was here for the week but he left this morning." He says with a shrug. I look at him with my mouth and eyse wide open. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I didnt think it was important plus i was to excited about the party"he says.

"What happened to him"i ask with nothing but hatred for the ass. " mean jake. I don't know, all i know is that my cousin was angry and beat him up." He says. "Where is he, i wanna thank him" i ask with a sincere smile. "He had to go back New York for something". "Well please thank him for me." I say with a smile.


"I'm home!" i shout when i enter the house. "We're in the kitchen" daisy shouts back.

"Where were you? We were worried sick" she asked with a frown on her face.

"I slept over at Jacob's" i said
"Why?". " Well i was so tired and took a small nap which led to long nap,duh." I said with a smile on my face.  "I don't buy it" she said back.
"Okay watever, im going to take a shower" i say back walking up the stairs.

I don't want to tell them the truth because i know they will overexagerate. They will take me to therapy and baby me and act like i am the most fragile thing ever. Not that i have a problem with that it just gets annoying at some point.

I get to the bathroom and switch on the water in the shower. I get in and feel myself relax instantly. I can't help but think of Jacob's  cousin. I can't believe he actually helped me. Oh shit i forgot to ask for his name.
I feel the water becoming cold and start washing my body. I tie my wet hair in a messy bun on top of my head and wrap myself in a towel.

After dressing in my pj's i go down downstairs and smell food so i head to the dinning room. I greet everyone and we start eating.

"So how was the party girls?"Uncle Jaun says. "It was so much fun"daisy replied first. "It was....interesting" i said.

"Well hope you had fun and didnt do anything i wouldn't do"he said raising his eyebrow. "No" me and Daisy said in unison. "Good".


"Lavender get out of the bathroom or we're going to be late!" Daisy said while banging on the door.
"I'm almost done, you don't have to loose your panties" i said back. Mumbling the last part more to myself. After drying my wet air i combed it and braided it into two braids.

I opened the door and made my way to my bedroom so i could change. "Took you long enough" Daisy said as i past her. I just gave her and i just gave her an eye roll.

I decided on wearing a black pair of jeans and a vans T-shirt with my black vans. When i got down stairs and found daisy already dressed and eating breakfast. She was wearing a blue floral dress that complimented her tanned skin and sandles. "Finally, thought i would have to come to your room and drag you out". "Stop overexagerating we still got.......40 mins to get to school" i said calmly.

"Do you really think he likes me?" Daisy asked me as we got out of her car and walked to the school building. "Yes,the whole freaking world knows that he likes you except for you!" I said. We were currently talking about Aiden Fryer. One of the schools most hottest guys. He has a crush on daisy he even told me himself but doesn't know how to ask her out. Daisy likes him too but won't make the first move. She thinks he doesn't like her even though its quite obvious and he thinks the same. The whole school knows that they like each other except for the two of them.

When we got in we saw Brianna walking in the hall with her 'crew' they are all wearing mini skirts and blouses that give everyone a clear view of their breast. Every guy is practically drooling over them. I snapped my eyes away from them and carried on with talking to Daisy.

"Anyways, rummor says that he is going to ask you out this week." I said. "Your kidding" she squeaked. "Nope " i say grinning like a idiot. Then we burst out laughing.

"Look at this girls its Lavender and daisy the flowers" Brianna said while laughing. "What do you want Brianna, do we look like we have dicks". Her face reddend. "No, but even if you had them i wouldn't come to you". "Well we wouldn't accept, im perfectly fine with no STD". "Your one to talk, i heard you slept with Blake at tbe party." "I would never go for your leftovers, I'd rather clean the school."

"Uhgg,lets just go girls. We wasted time by talking to this waste of space."she said to her 'crew'. "Your birth was a waste of time and your existence is a waste of space in this world." I shot back. She glarred at me, showed me her middle finger before turning. "I'm sorry but i don't fuck trash". She scoffed and carried on walking. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Wow cuz that was hot" Daisy said to me with a idiotic grin. "Thanks, but you could've backed me up instead of standing there like a statue" i said. "Didn't see the need to, you were handling it pretty well by yourself."

We walked to homeroom and I couldn't stop thinking about Jacobs cousin. I mean sure we saw each other once and looked deep into each others souls but I still can't believe he actually helped me when i was about to be raped.

"Earth to Lav" i heard jacob say. I shook my head to get rid of all my thoughts.


"What you thinking about, you've been smiling since got here. You aren't even paying attention to what we have been saying. " He said in a flat tone

"Its nothing.....anyways what are we talking about" i said quickly just as the bell rang. I didnt have my next class with any of them so i had time to think on my way to  P.E


I know it took me a long long time to update and im sorry. But i have been very busy.

I will try and update more but with the exams coming up i dont know if i will be able to keep up. But i will try

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Xoxo tumii❤

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