Chapter 2

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When I come to my senses I wake up in a pitch black room wearing new clothes and a new hairstyle. "Hello?" I ask standing up. I see a sudden flash in front of my eyes so I back away quickly and huff. "Looky Looky what do we have here?" Someone from behind me asks. I jump and squeeze my eyes shut tight. "Stop it you'll scare the poor thing!" A female voice says. Based on his reaction she probably hit him. "Look she's shaking!" She says. She turns me around. "Oh dear! It's alright you can open your eyes." She says. When I peek my eyes open I see an older woman with light blonde hair and a red dress. The guy gas a hat on with s long sleeve shirt and jeans. "Whats going on?" I manage to ask. "Oh? You don't know? We thought you knew! Ah my apologies!" She says. "Come this way." We walk into a room filled with people of all ages. "I'll be right back stay here dear." The woman says. I nod and the guy grabs my wrist. "Don't. Go. Anywhere." He growls. He pushes me and I stumble. A little girl runs up to me. "Help me get out! I can't find my mommy!" She says crying. I wipe her lil eyes. "Don't worry I'll help you ok? What's your name?" I ask her. "Olivia. You don't have to help me..." She says. "I know. But your so lost. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost my mom." I say. She smiles. I grab her hand and push through the crowd. "OLIVIA!" A woman shouts. Olivia hides behind me. "Is this your mom?" I ask. She shakes her head she's in fear. "Ma'am is this your child?" I ask the woman. "Mhm! Come to mommy Olivia." The woman says. Olivia starts crying and begging me not to give her to the woman. "I'm sorry miss...I'm not sure..." I'm cut off by the same lady from earlier runs at me. "Olivia! I'm so sorry! Come here!" She says. The woman grunts and storms off. "MOMMY!" Olivia shouts. "Thank you for finding Olivia." She says. I smile. "No problem." I say. "I am one of the elders here at BestVampireAcadamy." She says. My heart stops. "Vampire?!" I shout. "Your a vampire...I'm sorry you didn't know sooner." She says. I shake my head in disbelief. "Yes. I'm Nadia. And this is Jacob." She says. My heart pounds out of my chest when I see him. He has pale-ish skin. Dark hair. And ocean blue eyes. "He's the one who teased you earlier. But, hes sorry, right? Jacob?" Nadia says glaring at him. "Yeah sure." He says. I narrow my eyes. "He looks nothing like the jerk I met earlier." I say sarcastically. "HEY!" He growls. "Teased." I say smirking. "Why you!" He growls. Nadia slaps him. "Stop it Jacob! She's only teasing you!" Nadia crosses his arms.  He looks at me and back at her. He ruffles his hair. "Fine." He sighs. "Say something nice!" Nadia says. Jacob looks at me and looks off. "I guess she's kind of cute." He says with a tint of blush.  " Now that wasn't so hard! By the way, hold are you dear?" Nadia asks. "15." I say. "17." Jacob says. "I am over 2978 years old so if you have Any questions feel free to ask." Nadia says walking away. "Bye." I say walking away from Jacob. As soon as we can't see Nadia Jacob stops me by standing in front of me. "Before Nadia remembers to force me to say this...I'm sorry for being rude earlier." He says I feel myself smile. "It's fine." I say smiling. He hugs me when Jaiden suddenly walks In. Wait....Jaiden!? "Jewel!? WHAT THE HECK JAKE!? What are you doing!?" He shouts. I look at him and Jacob does too. "Sorry?" Jacob asks confused. "Jaiden I want to go home I'm just a bit tired. Sorry Jacob" I say rubbing my eyes. Jacob pulls me to him. "I'll help you get her home for an apology....for being rude earlier " Jacob says. "Fine." Jaiden mumbles. When we get to my house Jaiden lays me in my bed. I peek my eyes open to see Jaiden shut the door behind him. After a few minutes there's a knock on my window. I open it and a bat knocks me off my feet. When I open my eyes I see Jacob holding his hand out. I take it and he helps me up. "I meant what I said earlier. You are pretty cute." He says smirking. "Why are you here?" I ask. He kisses my forehead. "Jaiden told me to give you that." He says. Me face heats up with the thought of Jaiden. "He really cares about you y'know." Jacob says sitting on my bed. "I know..." I say sitting beside him. He cups me cheek. "And I think I do too." He says. "Will you go out with me. Just so we can get to know each other?" He asks. I feel myself smile. "How do you know you care about me as much as Jaiden does?" I ask. "I don't. But I want too." He says. He kisses me softly and flys away...well...I'm going on a date with a vampire named Jacob! Am I going to be friends with a werewolf named Edward!?(yes I quoted the names from twilight SUE ME...wait don't sue me I got no monies). GAHHH so much frustration! I just pray it goes well...I hope Jaiden doesn't find out if he does...before I tell'll be a blood masacar.

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