Chapter 5

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I smile when all of a sudden alarms go off. Everybody runs and screams and I loose Jacob again. I feel someone push me in safe area.  "JAIDEN! JACOB! GET OUT HERE NOW!" A war leader calls. I step out but little Olivia grabs my hand. I bend down to her level. "Please don't leave. It's mommy said to stay safe when something scary happens." She whispers. I wipe her tears. "It's going to be alright. I wont leave not now. Not ever. I'm going to protect you as much as I can." I whisper back. She smiles and I hold her making sure she calms down. That's when, "WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET!" A Troup shouts throwing guns and protective gear at random people. I catch them. "YOU! COME ON!" The Troup says pointing at me. Olivia crys. "I'll be back soon." I say. I put on the gear and shoot at the people attacking. That's when I hear an earspliting gunshot and terrorizing scream. I run to where the noise came from and see Jaiden laying on the rough concrete. I back up as I see his eyes go blank and his skin go paler than usual. "JAIDEN!" I shout. I slap him. "WAKE UP YOU IDIOT WAKE THE HECK UP!" I scream. I cry loads until I feel gun go up to my head. "Back away from the body." They say. I put my hands up and kick whoever was behind me. They stumble backwards and I kick their gun away as they reach for it. I didn't care what I did after that. I point my gun between their eyes and get ready to shoot. "You hurt my friends. You hurt my family. And now. You tried to shoot me!?" I growl. He looks scared so I laugh. I click the gun but just as I'm about to shoot he pushes my hand and twists it behind my back. He goes to grab the gun but I shoot. He backs away. I push him down and Step on his chest and shoot him multiple times. I shoot others running to hurt anyone and when it's taken care of I kneel beside Jaiden and hold him close. "Jaiden...I'm so sorry...this is all my fault." I sigh. Jacob puts his hand on my shoulder. "Jacob!" I squeak and hug him. And strokes my hair and kisses my head. "This is all my fault if I hadn't yelled at him like that..." I start. I burst into tears. Nadia and Olivia hug me and Jacob. We all work to get him to a nearby hospital. We sit in the waiting room when the doctor comes out. "Jewel...I'm so sorry...He....he.....he didn't make it." The doctor says. I glare at him. "Liar. He wouldn't leave me like that I know it." I growl. He shakes his head and goes down the hall. Jaiden is rolled out of his room. He isn't breathing...nor is he awake. I cry and lean into Jacob. Nadia rubs my shoulder and Olivia...poor Olivia is scared...and confused. "Mommy...Jewel...what's wrong?" She asks climbing up into my lap. I look at her worriedly and cry. Nadia and Olivia leave as do me and Jacob. "If I had been there...if I didn't yell...if.............if I was a better friend." I say falling into Jacob's warm embrace.


At the funeral I dress in black. Jacob and the rest of the vampires come too. My mom holds my hand. "If we had payed more attention to you this couldn't of happened." She says quietly. "No. Mom. It's not your fault. It's mine...I'm so sorry." I say crying. I lean into her shoulder and she hugs me tight. I stare at the body in the coffin. It looks nothing like Jaiden. It can't be Jaiden. His pale skin is cold to the touch while his hair is blood stained and stickey. His clothes are a black tux and black shoes. I grip the side of it feeling myself get dizzy. My mom and dad and sisters hug me as the coffin shuts. Everyone except Jacob and I leave. I want to see him LIFE. "JAIDEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! YOU PROMISED ME YOU'D PROTECT ME! YOU SAID YOU,D ALWAYS BE HERE AND CARE FOR ME BUT YOU ARENT HERE NOW! SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?" I shout. Jacob wraps his arms around me and holds me in his arms. I cry desperately. I want him to wake up and say it was just a feels like just yesterday we were walking and talking drinking coffee and eating cheesecake. I lean into Jacob's arms as we watch the now filled coffin be buried 6 feet under as the first builds up. The grave digger puts another 6 feet of dirt over Jaiden and pat it down. I kneel next to his grave and hold on to the gravestone. "Jaiden I'm so sorry." I sigh. Jacob puts one arm around me and walks me out of the church. I turn around. "Goodbye Jaiden." I say holding back anymore tears. Jacob holds my hand and walks me home. That night I eat dinner looking at the guest seat reserved for a visitor. My mom holds my hand. "He is in a better place sweetie." My mom kisses the top of my head and everybody go finshes eating I walk to my room and cry myself to sleep until I hear a tap on my window Jacob flys in. "Jewel...I found this." He says handing me a note with my name on it

It looks like this

To Jewel
Love, Jaiden

Dear my best friend,
I've made many mistakes in my life but not as many as this one. I hear the alarms as I write this part. I may know I'm going to die because your protection is the only thing I'm worried about. I want you to be safe so I'll fight for your life. Jewel I love you...and I hope you and Jacob are happy together ^-^.
PS. I want to be a godfather...I really do love you and if I do die I want you to know...🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴

The rest is covered up by dry blood. I cry hard as Jacob falls asleep next to me

 I cry hard as Jacob falls asleep next to me

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