The Threats

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Monday morning finally came. JJ and Jack held hands walking into the school. Most people didn't seemed to care, but some did.

There was this one kid named Taylor Caniff, a redneck who absolutely hated the LGBT community. His dad had left him at 6 years old to pursue a relationship with another man, leaving him and his mother alone.

He glared at them at first, then smirked as he slipped a note to JJ, winking as he walked past. Jack squeezed JJ's hand a little and bit the inside of his cheek. He knew all about Taylor and his homophobic ways. He hated him.

JJ opened up the note. It read 'Die you stupid faggot, nobody wants you'. JJ showed Jack and looked up at him.

Jack got furious and pushed Taylor into the lockers, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He lifted him up off the ground a little bit since he was so short. "Don't you EVER go near JJ again, you hear me?!" Jack yelled.

Taylor actually looked scared. "Ok ok chill, I won't touch him or talk to him." Jack punched him right in the face before dropping him to the ground. Then he turned around and walked away with JJ.

Taylor got up and put his hand on his face, trying not to cry, and a face full of embarrassment. He went to the nurse to get an ice pack, then went on with his classes.

"What happened to your face?" Carter asked during their first period.

"Oh, Jack Gilinsky punched me."

Carter laughed. "Wait, a fag beat you up?" Taylor's face went red with anger.

Dillon overheard the conversation and said, "does this make you gay, too???" He cracked up along with Carter.

Soon enough, all of his friends were giving him a hard time about the whole thing, teasing him about how a gay had beat him up And how he was also gay now.

This infuriated Taylor. He needed some sort of revenge after that humiliating event. He just wanted to cause pain. And he thought of the perfect way to do just that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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