Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Though it was just one word, it held enough command to make my uncle flinch.

"You are a lot like your father. Very down to the point." He conceded.

When I didn't do anything other than glare at him, he cleared his throat and shifted in his chair.

"Alright, where do you want me to begin?" He asked tightly.

"Where life stories usually start, at the beginning." I mocked.

Sighing heavily, my uncle leaned back in his chair again. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I was brought to life in one of the palace rooms by a man named-"

"Would you stop wasting my time." I cut his words off.

He opened his eyes, a crooked smile forming on his face as he assessed my irritated posture. His eyes then moved towards Selena who looked just as ready to commit murder as I am.

"Fine, I will get on to the real story since everyone here lacks in the sense-of-humour department."

I cut my eyes to Selena.

"Is everyone in my father's family this impossible to talk to?"

Selena shrugged, her eyebrows pulling together as she thought about it.

"I think so. I remember your fathers parents love talking about the good-old-days like old people usually do. I once tried making conversation with them about the weather and they started talking about predictions that the world would someday go up in flames. Though that prediction was supposed to become reality twenty years ago." Selena mused.

I tried to keep from laughing and returned my attention to my ridiculous uncle.

"Alright, since you're clearly going to make this situation impossible, how about you start with the reason why you never helped my father?" I suggested, still fighting a smile.

The world going up in flames? Of course the Dragon family would think of something like that.

They probably just hate the fact that they aren't able to actually breathe fire.

"I refused to be a part of your father's life the moment I got news of my mother falling pregnant with him." My uncle answered bluntly.

That's when I finally started focusing on the subject at hand.

"Why is that?"

"I was the first born son of the Dragon family but the moment my parents conceived Andrew, I became a distant memory." My uncle stated. "You have to understand, I was conceived while my parents were still to be united with other people. They had a moment of weakness at a young age and I was conceived, breaking their previous betrothals. I was the shunned child."

"So basically you rejected my father because of jealousy?" I asked, finding it slightly amusing.

He narrowed his eyes on me when a smile started playing at my lips.

"Yes, and I even had my very own pity-party about it." He grunted angrily. "Would you stop making assumptions and focus on what I am trying to tell you?"

I held up both my hands, the smile slipping onto my lips easily this time.

"Alright, I will stop talking now." I promised.

Sending me one last glare, he turned his eyes towards the window instead of watching me.

"I admit that it started out as pure jealousy but once he was born, I just figured it was the easiest way to get out of the family bindings."

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