Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Seriously, Daniel... I already said that he was no one important." I protested.

"Yes, and you also said you were going to get breakfast this morning." He pointed out.

His work has been forgotten since my brother joined us, leaving me in the middle of a very useless interrogation. William and Daniel were finally starting to work together, though now I don't appreciate that gesture as much as I would have earlier today.

"Do you really want me to tell you every little detail of my life?"

I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"You know, if you just told us, this would be over by now." William said.

I glared at my brother and then turned my glare on my boyfriend.

"Fine. Timothy was a boy I had a crush on when I was sixteen." I bit out.

"I thought you had a crush on Zachary?" Daniel asked, completely confused.

I sighed heavily, rubbing at my temples.

"She had a crush on Zach?" William asked.

His lips twisted into an amused smile when Daniel tensed in his chair.

"Oh, so that's what bothers the great invincible vampire?" He mocked.

"William, could you please not do that?" I begged quietly.

This entire situation was bordering on ridiculous.

"Can I finish the story now? Hopefully today?"

Both the men turned their attention away from each other and focused on me again.

"This crush developed after I realized Zach had absolutely no interest in me so that over and done with." I stated, focusing on Daniel. "Timothy was two years older than me and, predictably, the popular school jock that everyone crushed on back then. What Zach was probably telling my uncle about, was the fact that I followed the guy around like a puppy. I wanted to see what he did every minute of the day, like the stalker I was back then."

I groaned at the amused looks I was receiving.

"Why are you so embarrassed about sharing this story with us?"

Daniel just had to ask me that.

"Because I might have been suspended from school for a week after being caught in the boys locker room." I grumbled. "In my defense, I was dared to retrieve Tim's shorts and I was convinced I could get away with it. I would have too, if Tim didn't decide to have a midday make-out session with the head cheerleader. Ironically, they weren't suspended."

I wasn't even surprised when the two men burst out laughing. It was the same reaction my father had when I got home that day. Sure, he did punish me for what I did, but the worst punishment was spending a week at home with my father laughing at me the moment he saw me. It took a full month for him to relent and stop finding amusement in my childish behavior.

I didn't even glance in Tim's direction after that horrible event.

"Can we please skip ahead to why William was looking for me?" I asked quietly.

Honestly, I didn't expect them to hear me or acknowledge my question but I was relieved when they did. Both of them mellowed down, only smiling in amusement.

Daniel turned his focus on my brother and arched up an eyebrow.

Their quick dismissal of my embarrassing behavior almost had me hugging the both of them.

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