Thursday, April 4th

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  • Dedicated to Klara

Yay!! Today is officially....My Life Totally Sucks Day!!!! *Cues the generic boring illegal fireworks with plastic party favors and an off-key trumpet solo* And you'll totally know why I just want eat five hundred dillybars, become fat, and die, in just a second.

Today was just a miserable loooooooooong day. I got a C- on my Geography quiz because I mixed up my state capitals. And when things couldn't get worse, I saw Brandon staring at me frequently when I was getting my stuff for 6th hour. It was EXTREMELY difficult to ignore his beautiful, deep hazel eyes...wait, what am I saying?? He was the one who was totally into his kiss with MacKenzie. And I'm not supporting it. 

I finally got the nerve to send Chloe and Zoey notes to meet me in the closet.


Meet me in the janitor's closet after gym.


Once they finally got there, I spilled.

"OMG!! What a jerk! I know I might have said that some times but he definitely deserves it now!! I can't believe he kissed that witch!!" Chloe screeched.

"Imma slap that dude upside the head for totally breaking your heart," Zoey answered lividly.

"I just decided that I just needed some time before I can be friends with him," I responded glum.

We exited the closet to find Brandon waiting there in front of us. Talk about EMBARRASSING!! 

"Umm, can I just talk to you for a minute?" Brandon pleaded looking at my direction.

"Hey Nikki, I think you left your pencil case back in your locker. Why don't you get it?" Zoey asked me loudly, clearing trying to get rid of me so both her and Chloe can talk smack to him. I left but quickly hid behind the corner to hear.

"What are you trying to pull here?" Chloe placed her hands on her hips and eyed Brandon suspiciously.

"N-nothing! I swear. I wanted-" Brandon was interuppted by Zoey.

"Why are you leading Nikki on like that??" she asked with rage. "She's heartbroken. You had no idea how much she liked y-" Zoey placed her hand over her mouth fast. Chloe gasped. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I just cringed and put my hands over my eyes.

"What? Really? I-I..." Brandon replied suprised. OMG!!!!! What if he likes me back?? What if he - No...he likes MacKenzie and he always will. I just wanted to kick myself AND Zoey for totally ruining our friendship. Now that he's so disgusted that a dork like me wanted to be his girlfriend, he'll never want to even talk to me again!! My life is ruined!!!! :(

I couldn't take it anymore. I just ran and never heard what else Brandon had to say.


During bio (which was SUPER awkward sitting next to Brandon) I got called down to the office. I gulped when I stood up from my chair and walked down the hallway to the office. Mrs. Phelan was there waiting for me. Oh great! She's probably gonna kick me off from the play for my lousy audition. 

"Good day, Ms. Maxwell," she greeted with a sort of creepy smile.

"Hi," I replied quietly.

"I called you down here because I wanted to tell you that I have a special role for you," she exclaimed. Whoa, what? I thought.

"Even though you may have not done your best with acting, you sing very well and we need a soprano. So I have decided that you will be playing the role of Veronica's best friend and head back up dancer, Rebecca," she explained. 

"Really???" My eyes grew large.

"Yes so I expect that tomorrow for rehearsal, you do your best. That's all. You can get back to class now," she waved me away like a fly.  

Holy crap!!! I actually got a good role. I can't believe it. After all my horrible spazzes in acting. I was doing my Happy Snoopy dance down the hallway until the most horrible thought hit me like a brick to my face.

Veronica = MacKenzie

MacKenzie + Me = Rehearsal together

Rehearsal together = complete and utter humiliation!!

And now, I'm a professional at disaster equations!

So my life officially sucks now. I am so NOT going to look forward for tomorrow! 

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