Chapter 4: The Fight

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"Oppa are you and aunty married?" Yeseul blurted out.

I stared at young, quirky girl in shock, only then to look over at Sehun, who had his mouth slightly open. He quickly recovered his expression and sat down beside me.

"Um, sweetheart your aunt and I are just friends," he said quietly before looking at me. I nodded my head in agreeance, but it hurt to be labelled as just friends after opening up to a person about everything.

"Like you and Sooyoung," Sehun continued. "You guys are best friends. It's the same with us."

Yeseul just nodded her head and cuddled with me before I resumed the movie. I guess she didn't really understand how our relationship works.

Sehun just gave me an awkward smile and said, "Close one right."

"Yeah," I said breathily, still upset over what he said. Even though this relationship was mutual, something about being friends just felt wrong.

Throughout the night I gave the movie my undivided attention. I sat on the couch and cuddled with Yeseung as if she were the only person in the world who could save me.

I didn't spare Sehun a glance, even when he put his arm around me and became overly touchy during the film. I looked straight ahead as if I hadn't ever watched the movie.

Once the film ended, Yeseul had fallen asleep and Sehun barely had his eyes open. I turned the T.V. off and picked up Yeseul. Gently waking her up, I made sure she peed and brushed her teeth. Then I tucked her in my bed and placing pillows around her to guarantee she won't fall.

As soon as I was satisfied tucking Yeseung in, I walked back to the living room to clean up the mess I left. Sehun looked as if he passed out, so I didn't bother him not that I wanted to anyway.

As I was about to reach for the potato chips, a cold, large hand grabbed my arm. I suddenly went flying to the couch due to the force. Thankfully Sehun was under control and grabbed my waist perfectly allowing me to straddle him.

His warm lips latched onto my neck and slowly began to suck. I gently pushed his chest, "Sehun please, not now."

He didn't listen, instead, he sucked harder as if it would convince me. So I pushed harder, "Sehun stop."

Still no response, I roughly pushed his chest and scrambled off his lap, "I SAID NO."

He looked at me clearly angry, "Nara, what's wrong with you? The entire night you're treating me like a stranger. You haven't paid an ounce of attention to me."

"I'm not in the mood," I say, picking up the trash and cleaning the living room.

"If you don't want to have sex I get it, but can you at least talk to me," he continued following closely. "NARA I'M FUCKING TALKING TO YOU. LOOK AT ME."

He raised voice before grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I say angrily roughly pulling back my arm.

He scoffed as he watched me to continue to clean the room and ignore him, "You're acting like a real fucking bitch."

"Well I am," I say turning to face him. "If you don't like it then leave my apartment."

"Can you at least tell me what I did wrong?" he asked stepping closer to me.

"I don't know friend, I think you know me well enough to know," I say sarcastically.

"You have to be shitting me," Sehun says angrily while pulling his hair back. "Nara we agreed that this was purely sexual, but we will always be friends. I gave you no reason to think otherwise."

That's when I lost it, "No reason otherwise? Are you really that oblivious to your words and actions?"

"Sehun you come to my work to pick me up for lunch at least three times a week. My co-workers and students think you're my boyfriend. I'm your only favourite on your phone, not your mom, dad, or brother. That too with a heart emoji. You do all these actions that boyfriends do to their girlfriends, like buy me a life-size teddy bear for fucking Valentines Day. My entire family knows you as if you were my significant other, the same goes for me to your family. All the family reunions we go together every woman gives me this false hope you like me because of your actions. When a guy a flirts with me you introduce yourself as my boyfriend. What the hell am I supposed to think?" I rant.

"Sweetheart I-" he tried to say after a few moments of silence before I cut him off.

"Just leave Sehun," I whisper, but he comes closer to me. I turn around clearly not wanting him to be around me. "Please."

Both of us didn't move for a bit until Sehun sighed loudly and picked up his things to leave. As soon as I heard the door shut, I immediately broke down in tears. Another mistake.

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