I need to see her again

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That night, as Quackity dozed off to sleep, he couldn't help but think of Sklopertons granny and her dreads.

*I need to see her again, I don't care what it takes me.*

Quackity hopped up from his creaky bed, waking up his brother RoScripts who was sleeping on the floor next to him.


RoScripts started screaming at his brother in Spanish.

Quackity quickly hopped out of his window, escaping from his angry Mexican brother. The isis fighters were gone, so he didn't need his camo dirt blanket.

"oh lord jesus please don't let him get me."

RoScripts was running faster than Sonic.

Quackity looked behind him and saw RoScrips slip on a small mud puddle and fall to the dirt.

Quackity ran into the alley over to Sklopertons window and peeked through.

He saw Sklopertons granny meditating and for some reason he decided to open the window and crawl his ass through there.

"oh hey there!"
He landed in an upside down position and started staring at Sklopertons grandmas tits again.

Sklopertons grandma turned her head around slowly to look at Quackity.

Before she could get any words out of her rotten mouth, Skloperton bursts into the room and starts screaming at Quackity. 

Quackity X GrandmaWhere stories live. Discover now