Jeff X Ben

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Jeff:hey bby...~
Ben:hey~I'm bored.. wanna play a game?
Jeff:sure....what kind of game?
Ben:Zelda? Or Mario?
BEN:ok guess it's sonic...
Jeff:sorry it's just my fave game!
Ben:I know that babe...
Jeff:heheh....*hugs ben*well....wanna go on a date tonight?
BEN:OMG omg omg yesss
Jeff:s-so....uh..I'll come get you at 5?
Ben.ya sure!!
Jeff:ok then...that's settled! Um where do you wanna go? Bar?
Ben:um how about a fun fair?!
Jeff:sure....we can ask LJ if we can borrow his for the night?
~time skip cuz I'm lazy as fuck~
Jeff:he said ya!
LJ:no problem have fun guys! And I don't recommend going on the twister dance floor it's a trap...
jeff:k...? I know me and Ben LOVE music but we hate just...ugh ew!
BEN:it's to girly he means...
Jeff:y-ya dat...
~another time skip cuz I'm still a lazy pice if shit~
Jeff:hm? Yea babe?
BEN:what are you gonna wear?
Jeff:um.....Mabey a skull shirt with some black ripped jeans and a red beanie?
BEN:I was gonna do the same with a Zelda shirt and green beanie!!! And white ripped jeans...
BEN:hehehehe your to cute babe!
Jeff:I-I am? •\\•
Ben:yea....and sexy....
Jeff:uh heh.... thanks Benny boo~
BEN:I love you
Jeff a cake !~
Jeff:I love you to Benny boo~
Ben:well looks like we better start getting's 4:50
Jeff:ya... well cya in a minute... wouldn't hurt if we watched each other change would it?
BEN:k... ;)
Jeff:K...? Well let's just get changed....
BEN:k babe
Jeff:k I'm going my room are ya comin?
Jeff:Mabey after the date we can come back here and play?~
BEN:play what?
Jeff:oh you bed?
BEN:oh my gawd YES

Ben x Jeff Where stories live. Discover now