Whaa? It Got Updated?

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John wants to say something to convince Mrs. Hudson of his sanity, he really does, but going by the look on her face, there's nothing that he could say to help. Sherlock, on the other hand, has already given up on convincing anyone of anything he's recently been researching and accepts his tea without worry of Mrs. Hudson's concerned demeanor.

"Just... Don't get in too much trouble, boys." Mrs. Hudson begs before fighting her way back out of their paper nest, "It wouldn't do to have the sanity of the only consulting detective in the world questioned too heavily." Mrs. Hudson can't help think that at least with John by his side though, Sherlock won't be immediately admitted to a mental institution. It might be the reason why she called him.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sherlock smirks into his tea, as John is still mumbling his way around his newfound "insanity".

"She is right, you know," John asserts once Mrs. Hudson has gone back downstairs and he's found his words again, "This is kind of nuts."

"But it's also true, and that's what matters. These are facts, John." Sherlock proclaims as he grabs a handful of papers from the pile nearest to him and waives them around a bit. "And they're interesting! The sheer massiveness of the cover-ups and excuses and reality of the things is simply fantastic!" He says with a glint in his eye that John has come to recognize as Sherlock's "the Game is good" glint. "Just look at everything that's gone unnoticed simply because the human race chooses to turn a blind eye to the things they don't understand!"

"What I don't understand is why you've picked it up." John asserts with Classic John Bluntness.

"Because it's different, John!" Sherlock practically shouts with an excitement typically reserved only for unique serial killers.

"So, you got bored." John pauses for a moment. "You got bored and you discovered an international military organization that handles extraterrestrial issues and you have the documents that actually prove it's existence." Good lord, it does sound as insane as Mrs. Hudson believes.

"Yes, if you really must put it that way." Sherlock pouts with a roll of his eyes and a huff.

"And now what? You've done all this research, what are you going to do with it? I mean, it's not like you haven't solved the mystery of the police box in Trafalgar Square."

Sherlock is actually a bit stumped by John's question. Knowing about the Doctor and his world saving is all well and good, but unlike the tobacco ash research he's done in the past, it isn't applicable in everyday life. "I... I suppose I was planning on paying UNIT a visit."

"What's been stopping you?"

"The world already thinks I'm half insane. If I were to go out alone, I'd be immediately escorted to the loony bin. They'd think I'd finally snapped."

"So you needed someone to go with you that is generally considered grounded and responsible. You know, you could have just rang instead of worrying Mrs. Hudson half to death."

"Not exactly my idiom."

John can only sigh in response to that. Sherlock just smirks.

"So where exactly is UNIT HQ?" John asks.

"Their world wide base of operations is in Geneva," At John's clear expression of distaste at the idea of traveling so far, Sherlock quickly continues, "But, luckily enough for us, the largest branch of the organization in centered here in London. For whatever reason, aliens seem to like landing here. At the very least, London is the Doctor's preferred area of the earth."

"Right, the Doctor. Who is he again? The name's all over these reports. Is he UNIT's top alien researcher or something? His is the only title that doesn't ever have a name attached."

It's at that moment that Sherlock realizes that John has quite a bit of catching up to do. This is the problem with John not being around anymore; Sherlock has to explain everything so much more often. It's just annoying.

"The Doctor is the alien, John. UNIT first met him in the underground tunnels during an incident with a group of yeti and a psychic entity that called its self the Great Intelligence." Sherlock tries to explain while finding the relevant reports. "Later he showed up with a changed face and a completely different demeanor just before a first attack by the Autons." He gives John that mission summary too. "He was stranded on Earth at that point and agreed to be UNIT's head scientific advisor until he could un-strand himself. He helped in a large number of missions," He only gestured to a pile of papers instead of trying to move all of that paperwork, "until he changed faces again. Since then he's only been rarely heard from, but he always shows up in the same way." Sherlock pauses to let John try to deduce the way the Doctor shows up. Also, he needs oxygen.

Slowly, John puts things together. "In a police box?"

Sherlock unleashes the grin that John recognizes as the closest thing one can get to praise from Sherlock Holmes. "Yes, John! A police box!"

"So the Doctor's the one who was flown into Trafalgar Square."


"Fantastic." John simply states. "Now what?"

Sherlock gives him a look that has become synonymous with the phrase "the game is on" in John's book. "We're going to the Tower of London."

And if the topic of Mycroft setting Sherlock off on this latest adventure never comes up again, Sherlock is fine with that.

Good lord, I wish this thing would write its self. I want to know what happens next. It's hard to write it, most notably because of work and upcoming school, but I swear the thing refuses to let its self be abandoned. It may only be every few months or so, but hopefully it will develop into something decent.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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