Chapter 3

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Calem just walked silently and took a seat near Ash sighing in contentment, while Ash just sneered at him.

"What are you doing here, traitor?", Ash asked him, his eyes going back to a bright shade of blue and Calem raised his hands upto his chest in the form of surrender.

"I'm not here to fight you, my old friend", Calem told Ash with a light chuckle.

"It would take me less than a second to wring your neck and boil your rotting corpse in my Charizard's flames", Ash seethed tightening his fists causing Calem to break into a small smile.

"If I were to deny that, I would be a big fool. But if you were to do the thing you've said, you'd have three thousand acres worth of soldiers trying to kill you. Are you willing to take that risk, Ash? Forget about yourself. I know that you'd brace death and all that shebang. Think about your son, or your daughters, or your grandkids. What about them?", he asked Ash who avoided the former's eyes, causing him to smile victoriously.

"Even the mighty Rogue has to bow down once in a while", he told Ash slapping his back with a slight sadistic grin.

"You're not welcome here, Calem. Leave immediately", Ash said pointing his chin towards the exit and Calem simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Funny. I guess Serena said something like that before I drove my knife into her stomach", he leaned forward and whispered in Ash's ear, and it took all of his power not to pulp the brute at the very spot.

"I thought of you as my brother, Calem. You almost replaced my own brother. But took away the love of my life, you left us stranded when we were so tantalizingly close to achieving our goal, and to make it worse, you joined forces with the very group of people we intended to destroy", Ash said grabbing him by his shirt, making sure that the two of them were away from public view.

"Sometimes we have to adapt to change, Ash. You are way too dense to realise the fact. Face it! You are fighting for a lost cause. You don't have evidence in paper, or enough manpower, or confidence to topple us. It hurt me to kill Serena, Ash. But I had to do it. It's not too late, my friend. Come with me. I...I will talk to them and ensure that you live a good life, a kind of life that YOU deserve. You cannot win a battle against Utopia", Calem pleaded him, but Ash just glared at the ground and with a sudden burst of energy, he pushed Calem away from him.

"I don't care about who you are with, it what you have. I don't want to be anywhere near you. Cassie grew up without a mother, Calem. I promised myself that I wouldn't let my children undergo the same pain that I went through but you made go back on it, didn't you?", he asked the man in front of him and the latter just rolled his eyes.

"You fucker! Look above your ego for ONE FUCKING TIME!! I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself!!", Calem yelled at Ash, and the latter kicked Calem in his crotch, forcing the man to begin wheezing, clutching his testicles in agony.

"You...were stupid when you were 16, Ash., I thought that a lesson would do you good, but it didn't. So I joined them so that you could see reason behind my decision, you oaf!", Calem wheezed grimacing in pain, and Ash grabbed him by his collar, lifting the quite muscular man like a four year old child and glared at him.

"I've lost a good number of people due to your selfishness, Calem. My mother, my sister, my brother...and my best friend", he told him in a low voice, his usual amber eyes turning a darker shade of chocolate.

"They killed Pikachu because of you, Calem. I'd never forgive you for having my best friend killed", he seethed and threw the man out of his daughter's wedding function.

"Don't you ever come back to meet me. Unless you want to leave this place without a body part", Ash snapped before adjusting his coat and stormed away, which was seen by Cassie.

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