Chapter 4

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34 Years Back

"Will you stop whining like a 5 year old kid, Ash?", a young 16 year old lad who had the same face of the latter, asked him. The young man had a good, strong build, with shoulder length hair, with thick dark locks, with a small part dropping down the nape of his neck like a ponytail, and a permanent sneer on his face.

"Come on, Arno. I'm too excited for my match! I'm gonna battle Astrid for the FINALS the day after tomorrow!!", the second one yelled, pumping his fist in the air, while the small yellow Pokemon on his shoulder mimicked his trainer, lifting his small paw with an equally loud PIKA. The second one had short, messed up hair, and a wave of enthusiasm which seemed to spread to anyone in his 5 metre radius, barring one person who ironically had his face.

"It means that you've got a solid day to practice. So SHUT IT!", Arno, the older brother of the hyped trainer Ash, scolded, slapping his brother on the back of his head.

"We...well, I...I've also got my Showcase Master Class on the same day", a silky voice squeaked, and the two brothers turned to look at the blonde haired, Cerulean blue eyed beauty in front of them, who was fiddling with the lower strands of her waist-length hair.

"Oh, yeah...", Ash drawled, his enthusiasm suddenly dropping down, along with his Pikachu, whose ears drooped down, and Serena was hurt when she came to know that her crush didn't remember probably the most important day in her Performing career, but then she realised that she was thinking about the guy who didn't remember her very existence.

"Your battle is in the evening, genius. We can see her performance and make it on time", Arno told Ash and the latter's face suddenly beamed.

"ALRIGHT! Don't worry, Serena. We'll be there to cheer you. We wouldn't miss it for the world, okay?", Ash assured her and Serena smiled in gratitude, giggling softly at his childlike behaviour which she secretly loved, and she suddenly heard a quite loud slap, and opened her eyes to see Ash rubbing the back of his head yet again.

"Why do you have to hit me everytime? It doesn't hurt, but it annoys me", Ash complained with a pout while Pikachu mirrored his trainer's expression.

"It's the only way by which I can grab your attention", Arno smirked before his Pokephone buzzed and the smirk from his face vanished.

"Yes, sir! I'm close. I've neutralized a couple of grunts. I'll keep in touch", he spoke to his employer, or his higher official, Lieutenant Surge. Arno was never interested in Pokemon and always wanted an active life, a polar opposite of Ash, who loved Pokemon and wanted an adventurous life. The only reason behind why Arno tagged behind Ash was the fact that Ash travelled to many regions and trouble seemed to follow Ash every now and then, helping Arno in his operations and missions.

"Are you sure that I won't be targeted during my performance?", Serena asked with a nervous giggle, hoping to lighten up the mood, and she was successful in doing so, upon seeing Arno crack a small smile.

"Don't worry. Kalos, well, at least Lumiose City is safe for now", Arno told her and Serena's eyes widened when she realised that he actually meant it, and didn't understand her comic sense.

"Let's get to the Pokemon Centre! I want to get rest so that I can train my Pokemon tomorrow!", Ash pouted and Arno just walked towards the nearest Pokemon Centre shoving his hands in his pockets, cursing Ash openly, while Serena followed the quarreling twins like a little Skiddo.

Half an hour later, the trio reached the Centre, with a pumped up Ash, a rather tired Serena and an extremely volatile Arno.

"Welcome to the Lumiose City Pokemon Centre. How can I help you?", a cheerful Nurse Joy asked the three, well two trainers and the soldier and Ash opted to speak for the trio.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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