🖤Pastel And Punk💗

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Connor x Pastel! Reader

Prompt: "I noticed that you were all alone, and I couldn't help but want to join you- despite all the warnings I was given about you..."

Requested by: Walls_Could_Talk


Connor Murphy...

The School Shooter, The Stoner, The Emo, The Freak... These are a few of the Names I hear when people describe him. I don't think it's Fair... I think he's just lonely, in need of a friend...


I get Snapped out of my thoughts as Jared shouts at me, Causing me to jump.


"Dude, You were staring at the freak again! You guys are complete opposites yet you're still making GooGoo Eyes at him," Jared teased, laughing at my slightly dazed expression.

"I- I do Not!" I shouted, my face heating up, "I was just st-staring off into space... An-and he happened to b-be there!!" Truth be told I did kind of have a crush on Connor... BUT I DON'T NEED JARED TO KNOW THAT!!

"Yeah, sure Y/N... I'll believe that when fat pigs fly," he smirked down at me, ruffling my (H/C) hair, slightly messing up the (Whatever style you want). "I gotta go. I won't be at lunch by the way, I gotta do... things" (Evan pops up, 'I think I'm things' Totally joking but I lowkey ship it XD)

"Bye Jared..." I mumble as he walks off. I glance back over my shoulder to where Connor had been standing, but he was nowhere to be found. Oh, Well... On to my Next Class!!

~TimeSkip because Class is boring and Nobody likes it~

I walk with a slight skip in my step to the Cafeteria,
'Hmm... Jared's not here so I won't have a table,' I think to myself, remembering that Jared always had to grabbed a table for me and him... But mostly me, since no one really took me seriously because of my style and personality... I couldn't convince them to let me sit with them for the life of me.

As I looked around my eyes fell on a nearly empty table, one with only one person. My heart almost stopped when I saw who it was-

Connor Murphy.

-Connor's POV-
I sat alone, just like always. I was used to it by now... I was known as the freak that threw a Printer at my teacher in 2nd Grade- how could I not sit alone... I get kind of sick of it, though... I wish I could just end it al-

"E-excuse me?"

My thoughts get cut off by a small timid voice. I look up to see Y/N L/N, the small pastel girl I see running around school a lot... I had to admit... she was Cute.

"Can I help you?" I say, my words laced with venom. I slightly regret my tone and attitude when I see her flinch a bit.

"I-I was wondering... If it's n-not to-to much to ask... Umm..."

"Take your time," I say, deciding to be a little more 'nice'.

"Oh... w-well, I... I noticed you were alone a-an-and... I wanted to know i-if I could sit with you- despite umm... everything I h-hear people say...

I was taken back... This little human ray of sunshine wanted to sit with me?? Really??

"What?" I must've had a weirded out look on my face because she looked like she regretted all of her life choices.

"I-it's fine, n-nevermind..." she turned to walk away.

"No no no, it's fine go ahead, I just... I'm a freak ya' know? A weirdo... A complete mess... I don't know why someone like you would want to sit with me of all people..."

She sat down, looking shocked. Did... Did I say something wrong??

"I like to give people a shot no matter what... Like you, I think you could have plenty of friends if people weren't so Dam- Diddly Darn judge-y..." Y/N blushed in embarrassment like she thought I would yell at her for almost cussing. I had to admit, it was pretty adorable. Well, she was here... It's now or never.

"Ya' know, you're pretty adorable..." I muttered.

She blushed bright pink. "W-what? No, I'm n-not!"

"Yea... You are. You're so small, and you wear colorful frilly clothes all the time- Y/N, you are adorable. I'm not gonna lie." then the realization hit me. "Oh, my god! I didn't mean for that to sound weird at all, I swear! I'm sure you're probably weirded out or disgusted or-"

"Hey Connor," Y/N said with a small giggle, "You're 'pretty adorable' when you blush"


Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! The Connor Murphy just said I was cute! Holy Heck! My thoughts were spinning at 1,000 mph.  I was shocked. And I couldn't believe I told him he was cute when he blushed! Oh Fluff, I'm going to die.

Connor put a hand to his cheek, seeming even more flustered when he realize he was blushing.

"I-I..." he took a deep breathe and continued, "Y/N, I uh... I like you. Like... A lot. I know we've never really talked much, but you're really cute, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go get some frozen yogurt or coffee sometime? Maybe Friday?"

I could have screamed at this point- He actually wanted to go out with me! "Yes! Of course!" I nodded excitedly. I had a sudden burst of confidence, so I leaned over and kissed his cheek. We both blushed this time.

"Here..." I said, giving him a sticky note with my number on it.

"Awwwww!! I ship it!!" I heard Christine shout from the table next to us, causing me to try hiding my face in the sleeve of Connor's Hoodie. He hugged me, telling me it was fine.

And for once; it felt like it would be.


Okie Doki Doki!!

This took wayyy too long, and I'm so sorry for the wait! I'm going to try and work a lot more, so don't worry! Again, if anyone has requests for anything musical related I will do it- Ships & x Readers! If you have any ideas for actual stories you'd like to share feel free to PM me!

Thanks ^v^

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