Chapter 1

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"Welcome to Starbucks how may I help you?"
As the customer told me their order, a manager came up to me and asked, "Hey, Angel. Could you stay an extra hour?"
"But I have to pick up my niece from school!"
"Sorry kiddo," Bob shrugged, walking away.
Jesus fucking Christ....
Yep. This is my life. If you have read the description for this story, you're probably thinking "Don't you have a rich famous sister? What are you doing working at Starbucks?"
Brittany doesn't care about anyone but herself. All of her money is just for her, which I don't blame her for, just letting you know why I'm over here rotting in Starbucks. Not much people know that I'm Brittany Darling's twin because I'm just a nobody. The people who do know are best friends and family, of course.
"Hey," the customer said. "You look like a brunette version of Brittany Darling. You know that?"
I smiled. "I get that all the time."
I'd rather not have people know I'm that bitch's sister. It's nice not to be looked at as the loser sibling.
Brittany was an actress and a model. She started when she was only 13. She's been a spoiled, bratty, selfish diva her entire life, however.
After work and getting my niece home, Brittany called me. I answered.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I just got done getting Abby home fr-"
"Excellent!" Brittany interrupted. "I need you here right away! It's important!"
"What ha-"
"Cool! Thanks, betch. Muah."
She hung up, leaving me confused. I should probably just go home, but maybe she needed serious help with something. Brit isn't always this much of a brat. For our birthday, she sent me a birthday card with money. That was nice of her to give me that $20.
I rolled up to her huge L.A. house. She has a mansion in New York. The grass and fountain looked so beautiful in the sunlight. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. I rang the doorbell, which has "Girls Gone Wild" by Madonna playing.
Brittany opened the door, wearing a face mask, her hair in rolls, and pink pajamas.
"Oh goodie! You're here!"
"Did something bad happen?"
"No, of course not," Brittany laughed.
"Then why am I here?" I sighed.
"You're helping pick an outfit for tonight!"
"......Don't you have some special designers and makeover people?" I groaned.
"Those are for special events like interviews and award shows," Brittany sassed. "I'm just going to a cute little party."
"Party? Can I come?"
"Can I come with you to the party?" I repeated.
Brittany looked all awkward. "Suuure?"
"Oh cool!" I cheered. "It's been forever since we've hung out. I don't think there has been a time we've ever hung out! Ooh these cookies look delicious!" I gobbled down three cookies like a dog.
"This is why..." Brittany whispered to herself.
"K, well, let's head to your closet," I urged. I was so excited for tonight. For going to an amazing party and for hanging out with my sister.
Finally, and hour and a half later, Brittany and I exited the house looking like Barbies. I had my hair straightened, half up-half down, and Brittany curled hers. I had on a pink dress and she had on purple. We were showing cleveage.
The limo driver opened the door for us and we got in.
"Many of my friends are already there," Brittany said, powdering her nose.
"Oh..." I kinda thought that it was just gonna be us. But I wasn't really invited until just a couple hours ago so it makes sense that obviously Brit isn't gonna just go to parties by herself. Damn it, Angel....
"But you and I are still gonna be hanging out," I said. "Right?"
She looked at me up and down, then said, "Yeah sure."
My mood lit up. Yay! This is going to be a fun night.
It's been a while since I have ridden a limo. The last time was plenty of years ago.
Finally, we were there. I barely stepped out of the car, and there were flashing cameras blinding us. I put on sunglasses and covered the slide of my face with my hair.
"Brittany! Brittany!" Many questions clustered over each other. We got inside and the smell of sweat and alcohol dashed up inside of my nostrils. Hip hop music was blasting.
"Britt!" A girl shouted.
Brittany squealed. "Hey bish!" She and her friend hugged.
"You look so fab!" the friend said.
"I know, right?" Brittany said.
I stood there, awkwardly.
"Who is this?" the friend asked. "OMG yall look just alike!"
"This is my sister, Angel," Brittany said.
"Hi," I greeted. "We're twins."
"This is Shar," Brittany told me.
Shar's jaw dropped. "A twin? OMG! I'm so jealous."
The rest of the night was a bore. Brittany didn't even hang out with me like she promised; she didn't even talk to me.... I should've known that bitch was lying. She talking and laughing with her, like, twelve friends while I sat next to them not knowing what they were talking about. Every time I would try to chime in, they would ignore me. Wow.
I reached for the bottle of wine.
I had accidentally spilled some wine onto one of Britt's friend's dress.
"Oh, sor-"
"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS DRESS COSTED!?" she hollered. Some people were watching now.
"I said sorry!" I said.
All of the sudden, she got up and swung her fist at me.

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