Chapter 2

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The next day, I woke up in my bed and felt the strong hangover.
Fuck, my head hurt.
After puking and swearing to myself that I will never drink again (a lie), I turned on some T.V.
Fuck! I need to remember to turn down the volume before shutting it off....
I flipped through channels.
No. No. No. Boring. Nope. No. No. N.....Wait. What was that?
"Last night, there was a huge fight at a club that Brittany Darling was in. She recorded a fight between her best friends, Dana and Kimmy, and another girl who she says is her younger twin sister," a gossip reporter said.
A clip from Brittany's phone showed me getting my ass jumped by Brittany's friends and Brittany is just laughing and recording....
Bitch I'm your sister!!! Why didn't you stop them? Is that why my head hurts so bad?
"Darling also got footage of her sister throwing up and peeing in a bush," the reporter continued.
I watched myself being a sloppy mess. Why do people need to see this? Why is this being posted?
Then, they showed me doing something that made me want the floor the open up and swallow me. No. This can't be real. What the...
They showed me taking a shit on the ground.
"Yikes," the reporter said. "Well, I wouldn't want to be that girl right now. Anyway, Brittany Darling's movie is coming in a month from now. Hope everyone got tickets for it!"
I shut the television. I was in shock and humiliation. What. The. Fuck. Was. That?!?!
I tried calling Brittany, but she didn't answer, so I drove to her house, pissed the fuck off.
As I arrived her house, I stormed up the steps and rang the doorbell.
Her maid answered. "Hi, Miss Angel."
"Hi. Where is Britt?"
"In her bedroom. It's up the stairs, go right and it is the room at the end."
"Thank you, ma'am," I blessed.
The maid left the house. I stormed up the stairs. As I got closer to her room, I heard hip hop misic blasting from her phone. I swung the door open. She was brushing her blonde hair like some Disney princess and was wearing a short pink robe. Her room was neat, huge, and the walls were lavender.
"Oh, you're here," she said, being petty.
I slammed the door behind me. "You don't acknowledge me as your sister our entire lives," I shouted, "now you finally decide to do so once I do some embarrassing stuff when I'm drunk and get my ass whooped?!?!?"
"Oh calm down," Brittany scoffed. "No one will remember it."
"Um, people still remember the two girls and a cup video, sooooo," I said.
She ignored me.
"Hellooooo?" I said. "Why did you guys treat me like that? You invited me and said I can hang with you guys!"
"I lied," Brittany shrugged. "I actually didn't give two shits if you were there. Pretty sure everyone else feels the same way when you're around."
My heart sank. Who says this to someone?
"Please," I said. "You're not even an A list celebrity anymore. You were last popping when you starred in that boring, poorly written movie four years ago. You did this to become relevant again."
"Again?" Brittany laughed. "I still am. You were never relevant at all until I posted that video."
"Because I'm not a celebrity, dummy," I argued.
"I'm talking about before I became one and with our atmosphere," Brittany explained. "When we were young, you were still a loser with your little geek friends. Everyone loved me."
"More like they pretended to love you," I giggled. "Those same people started that rumor that you got herpes and got pregnant."
"I told you to not talk about that!" Brittany snapped.
"You're the one making everything about who cares about who," I said. "We both have family and real friends who love us, so what now? The only difference is that you are a celebrity and have fans."
"Whatever," Brittany groaned, looking in the mirror as she put on pink lip gloss. "Just know that I didn't care if you came or not. I'm actually glad you did because it was nice having someone to use for amusement."
"I might as well tell you that I told those girls to whoop your ass," Brittany said. "We were bored and saw that you were insanely drunk, so we decided to come up with the video."
My mind went into a world of its own. She....She was joking right? I got hurt because you guys wanted to be idiotic bullies?
"Oh, by the way," Brittany added. "My boyfriend is coming over. So if you could, you know, leave?"
I saw she had a cup of hot coffee on some furniture. I picked it up and threw it all over her.
She gasped. "Bitch!!" She threw a brush at me, but she missed. She threw something else and I blocked it with my hand. Then, she slapped my arm. I slapped her boob. Then we said fuck it and started getting violent. We screamed out a whole bunch of curse words.
Then, I pushed her down.
Her body hit something hard.
I was expecting her to get right up and continue swinging.
"What's good?!!" I yelled.
I was so pumped up.
Then a few seconds later, I realized she was still. Her eyes were opened; I thought she was just a little dazed. Did she get knocked out? No she can't be because why were her eyes opened? I got closer to her.
Then I saw red liquid appear from behind her head.
"OH SHIT!" I yelled.

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