Little Brock, For real

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*nine months after*

Today was the day. January 3rd (day after Colby's birthday). I was in pain for several hours, I could barely breathe because of the annihilating pain. I was ready to take pain killers, I just wanted the pain to end now.

After at least 3 hours of pushing it ended, it was a boy! I was overjoyed and so were Sam and Katrina, but Colby was more overjoyed than us "BEST LATE BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER" . Our little Brock cried and cried but we didn't care. "(y/b/n)" I said

(means your baby's name)

"(y/b/n) Robert Brock..." Colby said crying of happiness. 

*time skip*

We were taking (y/b/n) home, put him in his baby blanket and held him and stared into his iris' "He's going to be beautiful, just like his mother" said Colby then smiling at me. Sam and Katrina sat down next to us taking about how cute (y/b/n) was. I was a proud mother and THAT was for sure.

I kissed Colby on the cheek as Kat held (y/b/n) carefully. 

*a year and a half time skip*

He had Colby's beautiful blue eyes and my hair colour. A lot of our schedule changed, it went from feeding and playing to walking and running. he had said his first word which took place at and ice cream store!

I was asking (y/b/n)  what ice cream he wanted until I said "strawberry ice cream?" as a request and to my surprise his first word was "no"!

Colby was always a supportive father, Kat and Sam were all supportive of (y/b/n) and myself. (y/b/n) talks all the time now, I mean... his second words were "a youtube video" so we could tell that he was going to be picking up quickly. He was toilet trained, could sit on the couch and watch tv with everyone. 

He had his own room, (below with HIS NAME spelt on the shelf)

He had his own room, (below with HIS NAME spelt on the shelf)

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He always wore black and white, I think he was very influenced by Colby. I cant say that I wasn't surprised. They would go shopping together, ordering food together, and read stories together, you know just father and son bonding stuff.

I'm not saying that he only spent time with Colby, he actually spent most of his time with me, feeding, changing, tucking into bed (sometimes with Colby) and most of the time playing around.

But I knew one thing, He was Little Brock, For Real

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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