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Jeffree sprayed a quick spritz of airfreshiner after making the bed twice and vacuuming the carpet. "What are you doing?" I asked, peeking me head into the room, watching my boyfriend run around cleaning. "I didn't want the maids to do it cause I wanted it to be cleaned with love... Does that make sense?" I shook my head while furrowing my brows slightly. "No?" Jeffree leaned against one wall sighing lightly. "I'm just excited, Nate. I kinda wanted a kid, but, babies... Ugh... An older one will be perfect." We made soft eye contact, smiling identically. The doorbell rung obnoxiously, causing Jeffree to sprint past me, almost emitting a breeze.

The house was huge, if you could even call it that. The doors might've even been seven feet tall, with elaborate decorations. The men on each side of me let go, and the driver pushed me in front as a beautiful woman Opened the door. "Hi!" Never mind it's a man. He greeted me surprisingly kindly, a huge contrast to the way I've lived my entire life. "You must be Sandra!" He cooed, getting closer to me. I nodded quickly and glanced fearfully back at the driver. "Well, good luck, Fitch." He spat, turning abruptly and walking off, the two men glared and rushed away with him. When I looked back at the pretty man, I realized he had his mouth open wide, and head tilted in shock. "It's ok," I started. "It uh... Happens a lot." He just shook his head and beckoned in. I grabbed my backpack and pranced into the glorious place, with beautiful intricate patterns on the tile. While walking, he started talking again, smiling at me brightly. "My name is Jeffree, I'll be your new Momma. I'm so glad to meet you you're so pretty!" I never really thought I was pretty in human form. My hair was a ghostly white, from living off of the Norwegian Sea, my eyes a glowing blue, and I had way to many freckles on top of that. Patches of bright green and blue scales shimmered in the kitchen light. I always found it embarrassing, as they were in such unfortunate places. One large patch on the eft side of my neck, and another on my right shoulder. I was wearing pants but another big one was on my inner right thigh. Jeffree was the pretty one, he had platinum blonde hair, gorgeous brown eyes and was covered in beautiful tattoos. "Um... Thanks. This place is..." "Huge... I know... But you'll get used to it- Hi baby. Meet Sandra." I whipped my head around to see a shorter man with blue hair. He waved and smiled at me. "Hi. I'm Nate." Nate seemed chill. I am very grateful for that. "So, you're a Siren?" Jeffree asked suddenly, pausing my train of thought. "Um, we prefer mermaid..." I muttered. "Sorry kitty girl." I shook my head. "It's ok."
"We've got a room set up for you." Jeffree said, smiling brightly at me. "Thank you so much!" I attempted to reply, heavy Swedish accent weighing me down. They only chuckled lightly and had me follow them around the maze. "Wow." I whispered to myself, walking up the stairs, looking at the fluffy pink wall. It looked like a mattress. We stopped and I unpacked, my new family giving me a little while to settle in.

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