How they met

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It's was a beautiful cold chilled evening in the northern side of South Africa.

As we all know, there is no need to have an excuse to party, no matter how the weather is.

Let me start by introducing Lesedi and Palesa to you. Two beautiful ladies with different personalities, Lesedi is loud, reacts to anything and is also invlove in any dreadful drama.

On the other we have Palesa who is calm, down to earth and analyzes every situation, and very secretive.

Palesa is one person who knows her story. Now that you have an idea of the two beautiful ladies you will be the judge of it all.

Palesa met Lesedi at a radio station, where they later became colleagues . Lesedi knows each dick, Tom and Harry.

The first day when Palesa walked in that radio station there was already drama. Lesedi was busy fighting with some dancers on social media, which Palesa knows nothing about.

Well Palesa was able to adjust and got along with everyone. Palesa was doing the radio presenting for the love of it and boredom. While in the other hand for others it was a job. Radio was fun, Palesa got to meet new people with different personalities. Lesedi acted as if she knew everyone... or should I say that's the way she is with everyone, who came to the station. Every Monday on their show, artist  came for their interviews.

Their show was on fire though online streaming was letting them down to reach their target market, none the less they were having fun. Palesa didn't know much about Lesedi accept for her big loud mouth that never stopped talking about nonsense.

Lesedi was such a ratched compare to Palesa. On Monday the 2nd they received an indirect invitation to a event, how they got the invite, take a wild guess, oh yes it's cause of Lesedi always inviting herself where she is not wanted.

They accepted the invitation thought Palesa was a bit sceptical about it, she thought that if an artist wants them to be at service they should have a contract with the amount that they will get after doing their jobs as mc's .

Well this was not the case, one thing that Palesa didn't know is that Lesedi knows everything and anything about everyone.

There was a day when this one artist came and after the interview he just threw R100's all over the place, they where picking it up like slaves who were grateful that their masters has decided to given them pearls and rubies instead of working them like dogs.

Well Palesa got R200, Lesedi got R100 and David got R200, which means R500 was thrown on the studio's desk. Palesa couldn't stop talking about what just happened at the station, asking questions like why did he do that, Lesedi was like 'that's what he usually does, he gives us '.

Lesedi started bragging about this artist about how loaded he is. This whole thing didn't make sense to Palesa. 'Oh well I got R200 I guess it's my lucky day'.

The conversation was taking place while Palesa and Lesedi was driving back home.

Early on Lesedi was on the phone speaking 'english' taking about where the other person at the end of the phone will meet her, after Palesa has dropped her off.

They drove through the bright street lights of Jozi into the dark Joe slovo drive just before Hillbrow where she dropped Lesedi. The only thing that Palesa could see, was just this chubby guy who was standing in the dark, she didn't see his face.

While she was driving home she just remembered how Lesedi was saying this guy has a car and they will meet him at sasol garage, she lied that's why he didn't come near the car. He must have probably walked from his flat.

'Why did Lesedi lie?' She asked herself with no answer to her question. Besides it's only two weeks of knowing this Lesedi character.

The weekend went by,came Monday and  they were discussing about the "gig",Palesa was showing little interest, she was thinking of the long drive to Limpopo and not even sure, if they will get paid for the event. Lesedi couldn't wait. The event was on the 14th of July.

Already Palesa had made up her mind about  not going to the event. A day before the event they went to the mall, that's when Lesedi called and asked about the event, ask if they should come and what the payment and accommodation  arrangement would be. The guys on the other hand were very playful and that made Palesa less interested. But because of Lesedi been so pursausive they ended up driving to limpopo.

They were three, Lesedi, Palesa and Zukie. Zukie is Palesa gay friend. Zukie wanted to explore limpopo and will also offer to help with driving. Zukie was so excited cause this would be his first time visiting the Northern side of South Africa.

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