Chapter 1: Accident

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It takes only a few splitseconds to Move a hand but a few more to realise what you've done with it.

The same thought Jimin at the airport after he hit an Army with his Backhand in her face, hitting her with all his rings which she for sure will get heavy bruises from it

It felt surreal to him and everything around him seemed to slow down. He just looked down on her, covering her face with hands, feeling the shock of all Army's and the members perplex stare at Jimin.
Completely shocked and shaking, jimin tried to help and look after her...

"Omg I..I..I..didn't mean to hit you in the face I..I..I'm so sorry oh god I'm so sorry, did I hurt you alot? Please show me your face"

She hesitated to put her hands down, she as well was shocked about the sudden hit in her face. From one second to another a train of pain hit her face and she was on the floor, covering it with her hands.

She was so excited to meet her bias and take selfies with him. She was so excited she started to jump and hyperventilate, she asked him so many questions and wouldn't stop talking.
Was it because of this? Did she annoy him to much? So much to push him to the edge of his nerves?

He also was shocked and apologised hundred times to her.
She slowly put her hands down and the members were in awe.

It was only a minute ago when she got hit and her face was already fractured from his rings. 3 violet bruises on her chin, Upper lip and the nose where little drops of blood came out.
jimin couldn't believe what he saw, what he has done.

People around them started to collect and stare, while the managers and security try to shield the other ones out. Ineffectively they came back and told the members and the girl to follow them.
They didn't think much and Jimin put his arms gently but strong around her while the other walked next to him.

The security escorted them to a corridor into the local secure office.
Jimin got her to a chair and sat her on it. His fingers went over her face, touching gently the bruises and wiping her tear away. He held her face with both hands and looked into her eyes.
Red and sore from crying she looks back to him..

" Jimin oppa why did you hit me in the face?"

He clearly didn't know what to say..

"I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hit you, it's just...I don't know, it has been a long and hard week and I haven't been getting alot of sleep...Guess I'm just so tired and lost control......tell me your name"

" name is Sakura....
I can Understand, you always work so hard oppa, so much just for us armys...I have to apologise for being so annoying and not respecting your privacy. I was jus.."

"'s okay. I know how much you love us and were excited to meet us."

Jimin brought up his bright chim smile

"Things didn't went as we expected, we both didn't mean to do it. Just know i love you and I'm thankful for all the love and support you give me."

As they keep on talking one of the security came back with an ice back and some first aid stuff.
He took a chair and sat next to Sakura but jimin stopped him.

"I want to do it. Give it to me please"

The guard looked him in the eyes and didn't refuse to hand him over the first aid stuff.
He knew he couldn't do anything against him and why should he, first aid is very simple, thought the guard as he stood up and walked away.

No one Said a word. Even though the managers knew they have a tiny schedule they didn't interfere to them but gave RM a look to signalise to come out of this office with the others.
All of them saw it and walked outside while Jimin stayed inside looking and caring after Sakura.

"Sakura, that's a beautiful name. Are you from Japan?"

"Yes I am...from Tokyo to be accurate"

"Oh wow that's amazing. I was once in Tokyo and at night the city is so beautiful"

"All the pretty lights and big buildings."

"Yes especially them hehe"

A cute little smile started to appear on both faces as she was talking about her hometown.
This clearly was an Accident and jimin still feels bad about it, but looking at her little smile he thinks this is still a tiny but personal and wonderful moment to share, even though after jimin lost himself a few moments before.

Her face still hurts but her bruises stopped bleeding. Jimin oppa is taking good care of her, he had a rough week and understands that he wasn't in control because he was so tired. But looking at this, she thinks the slap was little bit worth to have this little moment with her oppa alone.
It is truly a wonderful moment which she definitely will never forget about...never.

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