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Dans Ann grand da dressed as a women in the GPO.


Davids grandfather served in Cairo


Sergeant Tom served in the Congo.


Jim took pictures of Che Guevara

19 whatever

Dennis spied for the CIA

Parkiie remembers JFK

As a child at play.

Barney threw out Bob Dillon

He wished it was from a plane

Noels brother left the cake out in the rain

Paddy served Australia in Vietnam

Aussies unimpressed by Uncle Sam

Jimmy remembers living next door to Bruce lee

The press would not let him be

Nick blew up a U boat.

Time to get my coat

These stories and many more

Have Passed through our barbershop door

Locking its handle

I go home

Turn on the history channel

Settle back into me chair

Ancient aliens

I sigh with despair.

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