Going Reckless

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Octavia wakes up in her bed normally. The same bed she has woke up on every morning after the Praimfaya. The radiation has caused the tower of Polis to come down crashing over the door of the bunker, where she and the others are hiding from the radiation. Every building on the surface of Earth has crashed leaving no access out of the bunker. They are trapped, not knowing if they would ever see the sun again, feel it on their faces, fload on the water or even breath fresh air.

Everyone in the bunker is scared and the grounder clans have so much hatred between them that it feels impossible to keep the order inside the bunker so Octavia had to come up with a punishment for un obeying or harboring hatred. A death by a thousand cuts is no longer enough. Not down here.

The only way to lead the thirteen clans, who have now had to come together as if they were only one clan, one people, is ruthless, but simple. Every decision they make, everything they do, must be to reach one, sacred goal: The survival of the human race.

Octavia isn't sure how to lead these people, but one thing is for sure: blood must have blood.

Every day she still misses her brother, Bellamy, who hadn't made it into the bunker in time but instead had made it back into space, to the Ark. She misses him all the time. When she's sleeping. When she's awake. Eating, training, showering. All the time.

Her brother and she haven't always come along well. Bellamy has always hated the grounders, who Octavia feels like are her actual people. Lincoln, Octavia's love, had been killed simply because he was a grounder and didn't want his people to suffer. 'I can't let them suffer for my crimes'. He had said. He had then been killed by Pike, the chancellor at the time, who Bellamy had agreed with. They had started fighting pretty heavily after that. Before they had lost the radio signal, she had told him how much she loved him and that she'll be waiting. Under the floor, once again. But this time, she wasn't hiding anymore.

O only had Indra, who had been her mentor before she had won the final conclave and got to rule the thirteen clans. She had refused to the idea of Skaikru, the sky people, taking the bunker alone. Instead, she wanted it to be shared so that all the clans could survive. One hundred beds for each clan. One hundred survivors from each clan. "Skaikru won't take the bunker alone. We'll share it. Equally. Because we are equal' she had said.

'A word with you, Jaha?' Octavia says to Jaha, the ex-chancellor of the sky people when she finds him talking with Kane.

Kane leaves them to talk.

'What was that earlier?' Octavia asks meaning the incident between Jaha and a few grounders.

'I don't trust them. Neither should you'. Jaha says knowing he could be killed for this.

'So it's okay for you to hit them?' O says as she feels the anger rush through her veins.

'You gave up eleven hundred spots from our own people to them, later also giving spots for both: Niylah and Indra, leaving us only 98 spots. I'm not sure what you call that, but I say it's unfare'. Octavia gives Jaha an angry look, letting him know she disagrees.

'Leaders do what they think is right for their people. And as the commander, all the thirteen clans are my people. Not just Skaikru'. The commander says.

'You're one of us, Octavia. And as the commander, you're supposed to look after us. Our people lost their relatives and friends because of your actions'. Jaha says to the killer in front of him.

'A pain that all clans feel'. Octavia answers looking in the eye of the tall man in front of her. She now realizes how much she dislikes this man. And how done she is with him.

'Plus, they are grounders. Do you really think they can be trusted?'. Jaha says raising his voice and pointing at the crowd of grounders.

'I can't have you putting my people in danger anymore. And I can't have Skaikru going reckless 'cause of you'. The warrior says to Jaha, who once again tries to start talking but Octavia cuts off his sentence before he could really even say anything.

'You are not in charge here'. Octavia raises her voice making some grounders around them to turn around to see what's going on. Octavia isn't afraid to humiliate Jaha. Actually the idea of him being humiliated in front of the grounders – Let's just say it makes her smile a little.

'The next time you do anything to harm the grounders...' Octavia pauses her sentence letting the words sink into Jaha's brain.

'I'll kill you'. 

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