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'It's been two years since Praimfaya. I won't lie to you. Sometimes there will be days we wish we hadn't even made it in here. But I promise you. That if we stick together. If we are Wonkru. Den kom fulau oso na gyon op'. Octavia says finishing her speech. She goes back to her room to check the radio.

'Bellamy? Can you hear me? If you can, if you're alive. I miss you. I'm sure we will meet again'.

'Can we talk?' Indra says to the commander as she arrives in the room.

'Yes'. The commander answers and gets up from the chair behind her desk.

'Leave us'. She says to the guards.

'Skaikru is going wild again. Jaha is again encouraging them to fight the other clans'. Indra says and the commander closes her eyes and sighs not knowing what to do.

'If Skaikru keeps attacking other clans the alliance will be vulnerable. And we can't afford people to think you're weak'. Octavia quickly turns.

'Call me weak again'.

'I am sorry, Heda. I didn't mean to insult you'.

'Yes, you did. But you also meant well'. Octavia says looking at her mentor. The day Indra asked her to be her second comes running back to her.

'I can make you a great warrior, Octavia of the sky people'. She'd said.

O sights again.

'I'll handle it.' She says to Indra and walks out of the room to the center of the bunker. She climbs up to the stage and says:

'I have been told Skaikru has been attacking other clans. Again'. Everyone turns around and listens carefully.

'There are thirteen clans in here and every single clan must be treated equally. Because we are equal. Skaikru is no difference! I can't have one clan attacking others'. O says confidently.

'It ends now.' Jaha comes closer to the stage and says:

'Octavia. You can stop this. We're your people'. Octavia raises her eyebrows looking at Jaha.

'Lincoln was my people. Skaikru murdered him.' She says.

'This is the last warning. From now on anyone who questions my rule – will die. Because like it or not. You are Wonkru. Or you are the enemy of Wonkru. The choice is yours.'

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