Justice and Vengeance

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'Octavia wait!' Kane shouts after Octavia, who's going back to her quartters.

'What Kane?' Octavia says raising her voice as she stops and turns around.

'I - I mean you. I mean. I just'. Kane can't get a word out of his mouth, he doesn't know how to say this. Octavia looks at Kane and sneers shaking her head.

'You can't even talk to me anymore? Even you are afraid of me'. She says then turning around and keeps walking.

'No. Octavia! Please talk to me. You know you can'. Kane says as he follows O again. Octavia stops suddenly.

'You maybe can't understand this but this is how I save my people'. She says.

'Octavia you just said it. Lincoln was your people. Right?' Kane asks Octavia, who now looks confused.

'And now that he's gone – you feel lost. And you don't know who your people are any more'. Kane says nodding and gives O a comforting look.

'Wonkru, Kane. Wonkru is my people. We're all the same. One people. One clan. Lincoln believed in that. That's what I loved about him'.

'Octavia I know you're still mourning. But you don't have to do this. Any of this. You can stop this – madness'. That feels like a knife was pushing through her chest. How could he say that?

'Do you really think I would kill someone if I didn't have to? Octavia asks Kane.

'You didn't have to kill Ankara. You didn't have to kill ambassador Rafael. You didn't have to kill Pike'. Octavia's eyes drop wide open and she shakes her head.

'Pike got what he deserved'.

'No. Justice and vengeance are not the same thing'. Kane says confidently disagreeing with the commander.

'Down here they are'.

'There's a darkness in you, Octavia'.

'You're being naïve, Kane. Not everyone's like you. They need rules. Punishments'. O says.

'I understand they need rules, Octavia. But you can't just kill everyone who doesn't agree with you'. Kane answers.

'So would you rather that I'd' let the clans get into a war 'cause I won't do that'.

'I'd rather you didn't kill'. The chancellor disagrees again.

'Like you're the one to talk'. Octavia snaps at Kane, knowing she'd just dropped a bomb into this conversation. The old wound was now ripped open. And there was no going back anymore.

'Now what are you talking about?' Kane raises his eyebrows looking confused.

'You didn't have to kill me and Bellamy's mother. Or lock me up for being born'. Kane sights out now finally understanding where Octavia's anger comes from. She misses her mother.

'You didn't have to kill Murphy's father for trying to save his son's life. What would you have done differently?'. O dropped in another bomb.

'He broke the law, Octavia. You know that'.

'A law that's put up by the government, not the people. You didn't have to kill Clarke's father either'. The commander takes a break before adding:

'And for sure. You didn't have to send 100 kids to their deaths'. Octavia tries holding her tears as much as she can.

'Everyone of us would still be alive if you hadn't sent us down here, chancellor'.

'I don't believe that. You don't believe that'. Kane says trying to defend himself. Octavia's never been this mad at him. Ever.

'You've got a lot of blood on your hands, chancellor. So you're not the one to tell me not to kill'. Octavia says calmly looking Kane in the eye.

'Okay. But that doesn't change the fact that you don't have to do this. 'Anyone who questions my rule will die' That's what you said. And that's insane'. Kane advises Octavia again.

'That's the truth, Kane. I need these people to stay in control. This is the only way'.

'No, it's not. There has to be another way. There is always another way.'

'There isn't.' Octavia looks Kane to the eye and sights quickly.

'As much as I care for you, Kane. You're like the father that I never had. This also applies to you. You are Wonkru. Or you the enemy of Wonkru.' Octavia says calmly.


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