Everyone In a Chatroom

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(Ladiesman and SamW were invited into the chatroom)

SamW: where are we?

Ladiesman: idk

SamW: would you stop that!

skittlesarerainbowmagic: heeeeey!

Ladiesman: skits, what are we doing here?

skittlesarerainbowmagic: it didn't feel complete :)

Angel0ftheL0rd: hello dean. sam

SamW: cas?? since when do you have an account?

Angel0ftheL0rd: since dean gave me one

Girlofyodreams: what does ur username mean?

Angel0ftheL0rd: I am an angel

Girlofyodreams: like in heaven not a pompous douchebag?

Angel0ftheL0rd: I am from heaven

Girlofyodreams: coolio :) I hope to god you don't have wings no pun intended ;)

Ladiesman: he just told you he's an angel and your just okay with it?

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: *you're

Girlofyodreams: pretty much

Ladiesman: I like you lol

Angel0ftheL0rd: LOLAL

SamW: dean I think you broke the angel

Ladiesman: no I didnt!

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: *didn't

(PepsiMentos joined the chatroom)

PepsiMentos: is it lively in here?

Everyone: YES!!

PepsiMentos: what are we talking about?

EmGeeBee: angels and fruitcake

Angel0ftheL0rd: fruitcake was never part of the discussion

EmGeeBee: it was in my head :p

skittlesarerainbowmagic: MINE TOO

EmGeeBee: woah #telepathy

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: No.

Girlofyodreams: I believe this is the first time we've run out of things to talk about.

PepsiMentos: random question time: if we were to be any pony from my little pony (earth pony, pegasus, unicorn) what would you choose and why?

Girlofyodreams: pegasus simply because I wuv wings :)

skittlesarerainbowmagic: pegasus CUZ THEN I CAN HANG OUT WITH RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: No.

PepsiMentos: c'mon!

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: NO.


worldsonlyconsultingdetective: ...

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: Fine. None of the above for obvious reasons.

PepsiMentos: welp, at least it's an answer

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: *well

EmGeeBee: ALICORN!!! :D

skittlesarerainbowmagic: SO MUCH AWESOME

skittlesarerainbowmagic: #awesome

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: The gun is in my hand.

skittlesarerainbowmagic: #the #gun #is #in #my #hand

(worldsonlyconsultingdetective left the chatroom with an angry face)

EmGeeBee: great, now look what you did.

skittlesarerainbowmagic: it was still funny though, right?

EmGeeBee: yeah :)

Girlofyodreams: totally :)

PepsiMentos: I'm laughing :*D

Angel0ftheL0rd: LOLALAD

Ladiesman: wth is that?

Angel0ftheL0rd: lol a lot all day

John221: someone should get him back

skittlesarerainbowmagic: don't you live with him?

John221: oh come on! don't make me talk to him in person!

Girlofyodreams: maybe if we make a bunch of typos it will lure him back

John221: doubt it

Girlofyodreams: dont dout mee jon

John221: this is syupid

Girlofyodreams: thrn y r u joonin im?

John221: that was an accident I swear!

Girlofyodreams: yeh ruggt!

(worldsonlyconsultingdetective legs it back to the chatroom)

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: *don't *doubt *me *John *stupid *then *why *are *you *joining *in *yeah *right

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: DON'T. DO. THAT.

Girlofyodreams: Olay.

worldsonlyconsultingdetective: You're worse than NinjaBunny.

PepsiMentos: hey!

(PepsiMentos changed their username to NinjaBunny)


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