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She stares in her mirror at her reflection

And one by one

Counts each of her Flaws

She Sits in her room alone and wishes she was gone

Nobody ever notices that

she's mentally left the world

Just because she was a silent broken girl

She never shared her feelings kept 'um Bottled up inside

And when that bottle breaks

The Shards cut through her skin

They make her want to die this pain is so un bearing she doesn't even try

She gives up on the world without a second glance

The world try's to say

That "she'll be ok"

But they don't know

The pain they have inflicted

That will never go away

Until she's gone

And in her grave

Nobody heard her silent pleas and cries for help

Just because

She was a silent broken girl.

In the Darkness.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora