We Made The Team

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•They go to look at the team roster sheet and see the names..•

Team Roster-

1) Johnny.O
2) Conner.F
3) Greg.M
4) Matt.S
5) Hayden.S
6) Austin.B
7) Charles.G
8) Joey.B
9) Jay.U
10) Carson.L
11) Annie.L

After I look at the sheet I turn to look at Carson.

A- I made the team!!*hugs him*

C- *hugs back*No, we made the team

A- *pulls away*When's the first practice?

C- *looks at the paper* After school at 4. Do you need a ride?

A- Yes please.

C- Ok. I'll be over at 3:40, be ready!

A- Yes sir!

A&C- *laughs*

*walk back to the others and sit down*

Indi- *walks over and sits down* Hey guys.

Kenz- Where have you been?! We haven't hung out in forever!!

Indi- Sorry I've been-

Laur- And who's this?!*looks at the boy next to Indi*

Jay- My names Jay..

Jay.B- And how do you know Indi?

Indi- Because he's my boyfriend. Thats why I haven't hung out with you guys in a while.

*Riley and Mads walk over*

Riley- Guys did you hear!?

Matt- Hear What?

Mads- There's a new girl!

Austin- She hot?

Riley- We haven't seen her.

Car's- Well I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom.*gets up and give Annie a kiss on the cheek then walks out of the cafeteria*

Carson's POV

After I walk out of the cafeteria i head to the bathroom. I'm almost there when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see a girl with brown hair smiling at me.

Car's- Um... May I help you?

?- Actually yeah can you show me to the cafeteria?

Car's- Go down the hall, take a left , then a right, and the doors will be on your right.

?- Thanks I'm Meika by the way.

Car's- Carson..... Well i gotta go now,  I'll see you around.*try to well away but someone grabs his hand*

Meika-  Wait! Can i ask you something?

Car's- Sure?

Meika- Do you have a girlfriend?

Car's- Yes actually I do.

Meika- oh....

Car's- yep... well ill see you around....

Meika- Wait! *grabs his collar and kisses him*

Car's- *pushes her off*

??- C-carson....?

Hope you enjoyed and sorry for not posting in a while. I really have no more ideas for this book. I might end it and write a new. But I worked hard on this book. Also if you have any suggestions on what you want to see in the book comment them after you read.

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