Chapter 3: These feelings.

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You awoke the next day, feeling completely replenished. You stretched your arms above your head, feeling the cramped joints pop in satisfaction.

You lightly moaned as put your hand up to cover your mouth, from the yawn soon to come.

You checked the time on your phone, seeing that it read 7:26.

You placed it back onto the table, and groaned when it rang, because you had to pick it up again.

You immediately recognized the number to be that of your new job.

"Hello~" You sang happily.

"Yes, this is (Y/N)?" The voice sounding of the person you now know as Tifa.

"Yes, and this is...Tifa?" You questioned, almost forgetting her name for a second.

"Yup.🎶" She chirped happily, "I was just calling to tell you, you officially got the job! Congrats! And I'm sorry if I woke you up. Gomen." She informed.

"Oh! Th-thank you! And no you didn't wake me up, I woke up a minute ago, but that's okay." You assured, sleep still clear as day in your voice.

"I'm going to start getting ready to come in, in about an hour."

"You don't have to be too early ya know~" You can almost visualize her waving at the phone in a dismissive manner.

"No, no, I don't mind. Really." You said, sounding as sincere as possible.

"Oh, okay then. See ya then." Tifa said, "Kay, by!" You then hung up your phone. Laying it on the table delicately.

"Mmmm..." You sighed, then began to rise up and walk to the kitchen to get ready for another day of work. "Dammit!" You ran back over to your phone, snatching it back up, and recalling the most recent number.

"Strife delivery service, you name it, we deliver, this is Tifa, how may I help you?" Tifa chimed on the other end of the line, "Hey Tifa, this is (Y/N), just in your opinion, what should I wear for today?"

She giggled, "Just do you, anything you want. Whatever describes your personality🎶!" Her voice rang out clear as a bell. "Oh, okay...I thought we at least would have uniforms. But anyway, sorry to bother you." You apologized.

You bid your farewells, and hung up.

"Hmm... She said something that describes my personality...I really think she shouldn't have said that." You said to yourself aloud.

You went into the towel basket in your room, and plucked two towels; a large one and a small one. You made your way to the bathroom, and placed the towels on the toilet lid, making sure they didn't slide off, then walked into the kitchen to make you a quick breakfast.

The clock read 7:47 when you looked at it, neatly placed above the kitchen entrance. You had to be at work at 9:30, so you had plenty of time. You ate the delicious bacon, eggs, and waffles, with additional ham slices slowly, savoring the taste.

When you finished, you washed out the dishes you used, and placed them on a large towel folded up lightly on the counter, to dry. You then stripped of all of your clothes, and walked to the  bathroom, only to find your clean towels piled on the floor.

'But how did...' You became a little worried, but picked them up, folded them just the way you had them before, and hung them on the towel rack, certain that they won't fall again.

"You better not fall again." You threatened the inanimate objects as if they'd listen to you. But still, it made you feel a slight sense of superiority, even if you sounded bonkers.

Vincent Valentine x reader lemonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن