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Toby let out a yell of frustration and buried his hatchet a wooden beam with many other large cuts, showing this wasn't the first time he had done that. His head twitched violently as he turned back to Kate, who was pacing around, leaving bloody footprints trailing behind her.

"We *tic* already know about where she is *tic* we need to hunt her down. The sooner we get her the better," Toby growled to her. She simply kept pacing without even a slow in her movements.

"Rodgers, we only have one shot at this," she said in an almost indifferent voice, "If we make a move now it'll be obvious we lost her. Then if we don't get her on our first attempt, we'll have proven we can't be trusted to keep anyone else." She stopped and stared at him with a deadly calm, which was made more serious by the blood that covered her arms. "There are too many things we don't know to make a move."

A barely audible whimpering came from a figure huddled on the ground when Toby ripped his hatchet back from the wood. He simply chuckled as he looked down to the tied person laying on the ground in a shallow puddle of their own blood.

"This would all be easier if you or little lover would tell us where she went," he taunted as he ran the blade of his hatchet down their blue jacket. He outright laughed when he heard chains being rattled and a violent shout from the opposite wall.

Toby turned to the low golden glow of the Puppeteer and took a single step towards the chained male. He smirked down at the Puppeteer and took a few seconds to enjoy the way he looked in the Proxies hold.

His usually bright golden eyes were dull and had the slightest ting of red to them. Even in the small amount of light one could easily tell he had been crying, his hoodie was torn in multiple places, and when he adjusted and the makeshift shackles they had moved, giving Toby a view of the angry red scars around his wrist.

Toby widened his eyes a bit sarcasticly when he saw the scars. It had been Kate's job to keep Puppeteer in check while he... 'Interviewed' the Bloody Painter. They had decided to set it up so that Puppeteer could see every bruise and every drop of blood spilt, but keep Helen just out of reach. Close enough to see him, but too far away to comfort him.

"Oh so this *tic* entire time you've been fighting *tic* us, but all you had to do to protect your *tic* little bitch was to tell us who *tic* took her after you," he chuckled as he raised his hatchet up and held the blade at Puppeteer's throat.

The man didn't flinch, didn't move, just kept staring at his captor with a quiet rage.

Kate causally walked over and aimed a kick at Helen, who let out a loud, pained yell. "We have orders to do anything and everything it takes to get the information out of you, so it doesn't matter who cracks first. Know well, if this type of interrogation doesn't work, we are open to try... Other methods and we are willing to do this for a long while. That is, if neither of you talk." Her voice was neutral, but had a terrifyingly cold, vicious undertone. A dark chuckle came from Toby as she finished. He dropped the blade and turned his back to the struggling Puppeteer.

"There's a war coming," he snarled, pulling against his restraints and trying to get to Toby, "You're power hungry! It'll be your downfall!"

The Proxies simply laughed, and returned to following the orders they were given.


Puppeteer cradled the unconscious figure of Helen in his trembling hands. He didn't know how long it had been since the Proxies torturing had ended, but once they Helen had passed out from the pain and losing so much blood, they had decided to stop.

They had done the bare minimum of first aid and let Puppeteer go, with the  promise that they would kill Helen if he tried to escape or attack them. He had ran over and pulled Helen close to him and gently ran his fingers over his lover's bloodstained face.

The tiniest movement came from Helen, causing Puppeteer's eyes to snap open.

"Pup... Puppete-"

"Shh, I'm here," he whispered, tears streaming down his grey cheeks, "I'm here..." He looked at Helen, who stared up at him with an unfocused gaze. "I'll kill them," Puppeteer whispered to him, "I'm so sorry... I'll kill them, this will never happen again to anyone," he promised quietly.

"Don't t... Tell them..." Helen mumbled, weakly holding Puppeteer's hand, "No matter... How much I... Scream... Don't tell them..." His gaze hardened for a moment, until Puppeteer reluctantly nodded.

"I promise."

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