I || Can I Come In? || I

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Issabelle Potégé


It's crazy how someone can change even with the smallest of mistakes right? Their personality, their actions, and maybe even their life. Well, my story is... a bit strange (no pun intended)

"I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Issabelle Potégé, I moved from across the city and...I like photography, I guess." I shrugged nonchalantly, standing in front of the classroom of students. Most of them mumbled a hello as I walked over to a desk and sat down in a chair.

"Hey." A voice spoke beside me, I turned my head to look at a boy sitting beside me, he had brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. He looked better than most but I nodded slightly and brushed him off. I swore I heard someone giggle.

The class was dismissed soon after I introduced myself, did I mention that I moved in a quarter way through the year? Anyways, I walked down the halls, my head high and a resting bitch face plastered on. I walked into a classroom, supposedly the photography class. The teacher smiled and asked if I was sure this was my class. I nodded solemnly and sat down. It was pretty basic stuff, how to work a camera's shutter speed and lighting, I kept my eyes on the ticking clock that hung above the whiteboard, waiting for lunch, then I'd have to wait for school to be out. "Issabelle? Can you repeat what I just said?"

I blinked out of my trance and stared at her like I was an idiot. I heard snickers from behind me as I stumbled with my words. "Please stay in so I can explain what's needed for tomorrow." she calmly replied to my stutters of 'uh's.

I shot a sneering glare at the kids who giggled behind me and sighed, sinking into my chair once again and listening to the teacher blabber on.


I stayed in after class as I was asked, I honest to god didn't really give a flying feather on what this project was, it's due tomorrow and she expects me to finish it in a day. "Alright, you got all that?"

"Yeah, yeah I got it, but I don't think I can finish it in a day," I replied, taking the paper with the assignment on it. "You said everyone else had at least three days to do it."

She smiled. "Don't worry, you seem like you can do it in time. You seem like a capable person Issabelle."

I sighed and smiled back half-heartedly as I trudged to the caféteria.

Peter Parker

"Did you see her?"

"Yeah, I said hi to her."

"Annndddd what did she do?"

I sighed. "She ignored me."

"Figured, But dude she totally stared at you for like, 5 seconds!" Ned punched my shoulder playfully.

"5 seconds doesn't mean anything though..." I replied, "Plus I don't think she'd even—."

I cut myself off to see Issabelle stroll over, her shoulders slumped and a disinterested look on her face, a paper slightly crumpled up in her hand. "Can I sit here?"

It sounded more like a demand from her tone but, I nodded immediately anyways. She sighed and sat down across from us, throwing the paper on the table and turning on her phone, going on social media, from what I presumed. "So uhm, Issabelle right?"

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