
56 1 1

Rayes p.o.v

Im running through the forest, the one i have known and lived in all my 17 years of life. Why? you may ask. because i have about 5 thousand brain munchers on my trail and they all want some o this genius.

The forest is menacingly dark and filled with the moans of the undead army. Wildlife of all types scatter away from them as i keep running. I have to stop running, im too out of breath as the forest slowly turns into hard rocky earth. I need to expand the gap between the zombies and then climb a tree out of sight.

Every tree around is small pine which wouldn't support my weight and the rest are too high to climb and have no handholds on the base so i keep running. I slow down to a power walk and wrack my memory trying to remember the best hiding spots and the route towards them. Many hiding spots i have left behind in the panic of the chase.

The moans are getting closer but i need my energy. Hiding spots like the hole under the rock and the long grass come into mind but the zombies would flatten me before they knew i was there. I'm so panicked now because the zombies are coming into view 50 metres behind. I'm at the edge of the forest now and walking quickly to the tree in the centre of the meadow. It is an old oak tree with plenty of handholds and enough foliage to disguise me from the horde. I start the ascent when moans come from over the hill on my left.

First 1 then two then ten and then 100 and now I abandon the tree and run. They have almost surrounded me as I break into an exhausted run. I reach the edge of the meadow and bolt into the forest fully knowing the risk of tripping. Just when i think I've lost the zombies, I turn back and look then trip into a small ditch. Pain shoots up my thigh as a rock slices it open and it starts to bleed. The regular moans of the zombies increase as they smell blood and I know there is no way I will be able to hide.

Standing up makes me light headed and my leg screams in protest but there is nothing else to do but to get the hell outta there. I limp along for what seems like half the day yet in reality, it's probably no more than half an hour. The zombie horde had gradually gained ground despite my efforts to outrun them. Little energy remains to keep going but the alternative is a painful death.

A large patch of cacti lies ahead that's 20 metres in diameter and I go around. This May stall them. I'm at the edge of them when I see one type in particular, aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has healing properties and when I hurt myself in the forest, I regularly snap off a spiky leaf and seal the cut.  It stops the bleeding and masks the smell with its own, that is exactly what is needed. 

Blood is oozing from a large, jagged cut just above my knee. The leaf of aloe Vera I took spikes me slightly on the hand as I wipe away the blood and rub the goo from the inside of the plant onto the cut. It makes a sticky disgusting colour of red mixed with green but it isn't a beauty pageant, it's a race for my life.

This section of the forest is full of old, tall trees. Some are gum,some are pine and ahead is my favourite childhood treehouse. A medium sized currajong tree hides between the leaves of surrounding foliage with little nooks cut out of the trunk for climbing. My leg protests as I ascend but I eventually make it to the thick branch that holds a small, rusty metal platform. The zombie moans get louder as they come into view. They do not see me up here trying to keep as still as possible.

So I exaggerated a bit when I said five thousand, there are probably only 600 but when they want to eat you, who stops to count. The smell of rotting flesh, pus and blood is putrid and wafts into the treetops. I take this time to relax and regain some energy which is pretty hard when you are breathing through your sleeve high up in the treetops as the ground shakes with the traffic of undead.

The sun is on the horizon when the last stragglers pass and I lie down in relief and fall asleep. For someone who spent the last 4 hours running, sleep is definitely well needed and well deserved but not welcome. Nightmares take hold as I rest up. The events of the past day flashing through my head seeming so unreal and yet completely real.

It was midday when I woke after a restless nap which should have seen me fall out of the tree. The forest was full of singing birds and busy animals as if nothing happened. No moans were to be heard but a path of destruction was left in their wake. Fallen trees were everywhere and the earth was flat, brown and free of plants. What the hell am I gonna do?

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