Rayes pov

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My head is pounding, I'm exhausted, I have no weapon and my tongue is like a dry sponge in my mouth. What little sleep I got while up in the tree left me more tired than before and with a migraine.

There are three things that I need at this moment and first priority is water, second is a weapon and come to think of it, I am famished. It has been over a day since my last feed and that was a couple of peaches from the orchard. I head down the rocky slope in search of the creek bed. I hope to god it's not empty because all the other water sources in this forest have been bone dry for years. In estimation, it should take me an hour to reach it. I am trying to make a plan but my head is sore, I'm tired and most of my concentration is going towards finding the creek.

It takes longer than expected to reach the creek because my leg is stiff and sore from previous injury. I am devastated as I arrive and find it as dry as the rest. Some days I wish the world would give a guy a break. All I wanted was a drink. The closest water source is my small hut at the edge of the woods but that's the direction the zombies headed and if it isn't completely demolished by the undead stampede, it will be soon. Chances are small that my property could possibly survive. I guess I'd better start walking because the river is a long way.

Large twigs snap on the opposite side of the dry creek bed. In estimation, I would say the unknown source of sound is about 20 metres away and with the large amount of noise it's making, it's probably a zombie. An iron bark tree stands next to me and I make my ascent almost immediately. Weak and weaponless, I'm not even going to try to be a hero, not if it means getting murdered or worse; bitten.

I grip a branch overhead in a bear hug and swing my legs up and pull myself onto the limb. I reach for another branch and attempt to repeat the process but my thigh gives way as if they are made of jelly and suddenly I'm falling to the ground. Curse my stupid legs.

I start seeing stars and I am on the edge of consciousness when the footfalls stop then turn in my direction and start running. Before I can react, somebody stops at the edge of the creek and looks down on me worriedly.

She is a woman of tall, thin build aged around the mid twenties. Her hair is honey blonde and reaches down mid back in messy waves littered with leaves and god knows what else. The eye catching detail is her electric blue eyes that show kindness but at the same time, fear.

'You aren't one of those monsters are you'

'Do I look like a monster to you?'

' well you are covered in blood and...' She thought better about finishing that sentence.

'I'm Renee, by the way'

I begin to lift myself up and look at my wounds, the damn cut on my head has reopened, My legs have skin shredded off them from the tree and my head is spinning.

'The names Raye, do you have any water by any chance'

The conversation topic is accepted enthusiastically by Renee who rummages in her pink, floral backpack while talking energetically about how we could create a group and survive together. She smiles pleasantly and throws me the water which lands about a metre away from me. Oh great, looks like I'm babysitting this annoying little lost puppy until I can make leave with excuses.

"So where you headed Raye?"

"I don't really know. West is pretty flat and not many people live there so more chance of finding survivors. You?"

Renee thinks for a long moment. You can almost imagine the rusty cogs of her brain turning. "I think we should get to high ground so I can see if I have any reception".

She is absolutely crazy. I don't even try to disguise my laughter as I laugh at how idiotic her plan is. Renee's' face has gone Scarlet with embarrassment and looks to be slightly angered.

"What makes your plan any smarter than mine. Not all signal towers will be destroyed. Think about the ones in the countryside."

She rants on for about five minutes about how I'm a smartass who shouldn't just believe my way isn't the only way. I keep smiling and laughing through the whole thing which makes her angrier and louder. Finally I stop her not because I want to but out of fear that she will attract unwanted attention.

"Okay, okay, okay. Suppose you were to get reception-"

"Which I will"

"Don't interrupt. Okay, so suppose if you were to get reception, who are you going to call?"

Renee try's to think of an answer but is unsuccessful " Are you dissing me because I'm blonde?"

"I couldn't care less about the colour, if only your comebacks were as good as your hair.

I star walking towards the now setting sun which is west. Renee doesn't follow for a while but then decides her chance of survival is better with me. We walk in silence until darkness falls and then climb into a young tree to sleep.It took us a while to find a decent tree because renee isn't a good climber and all the small or low hanging ones offer little room and little camouflage.

The day is over and I only got food when renee remembered she had some crackers in her pack. I've been fed and watered and I finally have an ally.

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