the family downstairs

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the family downstairs died this morning. the dad from poison, the mom from drowning, (she was found in the bathtub), and the child from stabbing. the police knocked on my door that morning. when i opened it, he was standing there, his moustache and his notepad and everything. he asked to come inside, which made me step aside immediately, he, walking past me, with a series of men and women cops following close behind him. he pointed to every room in the apartment, and directed 4-6 of them in each room to look for clues. then, he sat me down on my yellow, stained couch. my purple robe tethered to me. i was very used to this, however, because of how many people are murdered in brooklyn. 

"so, miss, have you seen anything suspicious? since last night, more specifically? or this morning?" he asked, sipping his coffee. i rolled my eyes, hearing all of these questions many times before. but this time it was different.

"no," i lied. the cop hummed a song, and nodded. i could tell he didn't believe me. 

"well, um, miss, we are going to need you to-" 

"kyle!" another cop called out from my bedroom. kyle, turned around and got up. waiting to hear more.

"yes, lucie?" i heard him say, although i was looking at the cops that were in my kitchen, which were throwing pots and pans out of the shelves. a woman with short blond hair came out. 

"we got something." she said, nodding and smiling. i tilted by head, not knowing what she was talking about. i waited about 6 minutes before kyle, and lucie came out with the doll that was underneath my bed. "we need to get this dry." lucie said, handing it to another cop. i got up and ran to lucie. 

"hello miss," i looked at her name tag. "miss bellger. i am just gonna tell you a few things. i swear. do not get it dry. keep it soaked in water. cold water to be exact. trust me. you can take it, but you must not let it out of the most freezing water you got." i told her, staring at her strait in the eyes. she lowered her glasses, and started to clean them with her blue uniform shirt. she looked up at me. 

"sure." she replied, pushing past me and getting everyone out of the apartment. i started to the kitchen to put away the pots and pans that were littered all over my floor. i heard the door close, with a small slam. and i started to whisper to myself, 

"stupid cops." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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