Chapter 2

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"What a fine life! Carryin' the bannah home free all!"

Kloppman counted their heads as they ran out the door, some putting on their Newsies caps and Crutchy waved to Kloppman before he walked out.

"Whoo!" one of the boys' cheered as he jumped off the threshold. "Yeah!" cheered Jake as he done the same, kicking up puddles of water as they ran.

"Move it! Go, go, go!" another boy, working for The World called as newspapers slid down a ramp and into a box to be given to the Newsies, same going for Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Woodside, Coney Island, and other New York places. "Come on, come on!

"Hurry up! Come on, come on, come on! Hurry up!" the freckled boy pointed up the ramp. "Get the lead out of you pants! Come on, come on! Move it, move it! Go, go, go! Hurry! Go, go, go!"

Trolley Strike Drags On For Third Week

"It takes a smile as sweet as buttah." Jack said.

"The kind that ladys' can't resist!" Crutchy joined in.

"It takes an orphan...with a stuttah!" Race said, putting his hands to the side of his face.

"Who's also blind..." Finch put a hand over Buttons' eyes.

"And mute..." Albert joked, putting a hand over Buttons' mouth.

"And dead!" Elmer acted like he was hitting Buttons' head, the boy turning around and yelling "hey!" before chasing after the boy while the sound of laughter followed them out of the alley.

"Summer stinks-"

"And winter's waitin'!"

"Welcome ta New York!

"Boy ain't nature fascinating!"

A man with a black mustache watched as the boys hopped onto the platform he was standing on, the boys jumping off of it to land on the ground, Mush even going so far as to front flip off to land on his feet.

"When you'se gotta walk?"

They ran onto the street, a trolley going by as they played on the streets, Jack spinning around a lamp post and some fighting with stick swords in the back and Dutchy jumping onto the lamp post after Jack, Blink and Race play fighting on the sidewalk.

"It's a fine life!"

"Carryin' the bannah with me chums!"

"It's a fine life!"

"Carryin' the bannah with me chums!"

"A mighty fine life!"

"Blowin' every nickel as it comes!"

"It's a fine life!"

"Blowin' every nickel as it comes!"

"I'm no snoozer!" Crutchy called, hitting a hand over his chest before Jack ran into him and they both went down.

Mush picked up his crutch, using it to help pull him up and he fixed his shoe on his gimp leg.

"Sittin' makes me antsy, I likes livin' chancy!"

"Harlem to Delancey!"

"What a fine life!"

"Carryin' the banner through the slums!-"

"Blessed children," the nuns sang as they came towards their cart, the boys and girls each taking off their caps in respect, "though you wander lost and depraved, Jesus loves you. You shall be saved."

One of them handed Mush a cup and Boots a biscuit, the boy ripping it in half and handing one of the pieces to Snipeshooter, who nodded at the boy.

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