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As we walk into the dorms, all the boys were examining the dorms, even Cole – I mean honestly, you would start to think that he got anything he wanted here because his mother and sister were important people here. Anyways, the dorms were quite simple and clearly new, as you could smell the fresh paint on the wall. All the guys were calling beds like Jonas wanted the very last one, Cole wanted the middle one and yeah. I ended up being in between Grant and Cole but I wanted to investigate the Gallagher Academy, but you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. So, I ended up sleeping and waking up as Dr Steve walked in to take us to our first class. We walked into COW and I immediately smirked when I saw the Chameleon. Oh yeah, this should be fun.


Through introductions and what not, Jonas was partnered with the Liz chick and Grant was partnered with Bex. But before anyone else could go with the Chameleon, I slid next to her and smirked. She rolled her eyes and muttered something incoherently.

It ended up that Cole didn't need a partner cause he knew basically where everything was while the other guys were all partnered up. After the lesson finished we all were ushered to their P&E building and sat on different sides of the room.

"Define attack and defence, Miss Baxter." Mr. Solomon said.

As the Bex girl rattled off a reply, I sat there and watched the Chameleon. After all this time, you would assume that I would have figured out her name but all I know is that her last name is Morgan. She was sitting next to Bex with her eyes following her. She must of felt his gaze because she flicked her head around to glare at him. I contained my chuckle and look away.

"Very good Miss Baxter. You will be paired with a person of the opposite gender to fight with the same skill level as you to attack to defend. What will you do?"

Attack obviously, I thought.

"Ladies, prepare yourselves and I will speak to the males for a minute," he continued.

Why would he need to talk to us? My mind was racing.

"Boys," Mr. Solomon started, "these girls will have pinned before you can even say beaten."

"Wow, does he have no confidence in us or what?" Grant said.

Mr. Solomon's head whipped around to face him. I know these girls and you had better learn it too. You saw..." Please say her name! "...Chameleon beat you in the last challenge, and you better get ready for a repeat.

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