Chapter 23. A skeleton and another skeleton. Drama ensues.

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Cory's face at that time was the most priceless thing that Shelby had ever seen. The person, or skeleton in their case who had the whoopee cushion was laughing.

"The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny."

It said. Even Shelby couldn't help but giggle a bit at its antics. Cory made an inaudible noise that Shelby couldn't quite make out, but it was clear that he was embarrassed.

"I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton."

Sans introduced himself. 

"I'm Shelby! The tall one is Cory."

Shelby introduced, pointing to Cory as she said his name. 

"Nice to meet ya. I'm supposed to be looking for humans just so you know."

Sans admitted. Cory frowned.

"Why is that?"

He asked. 

"Monsters are supposed to collect human souls to break the barrier, which keeps us all down here. And I'm guessing that you two are humans who came down here for some reason."

Sans said. Shelby nodded.

"Pretty much."

She said. Sans seemed to process this, albeit very slowly.

"Now I'm not one for actually collecting human souls, that takes work so I'm not really down for that type of stuff. My brother on the other hand..."

"He's all over it isn't he?"

Cory finished for Sans. Sans nodded.

"Exactly. He built this gate here, but it's too big to actually keep any human out. You can actually just walk through. See?"

Sans said, easily walking through the bars. Shelby followed him after grabbing Cory and dragging him with her.

"Huh. The more you know."

Shelby said. Sans looked ahead of them.

"Oh hey, I think I see my brother up ahead. Quickly, hide behind those conveniently placed lamps."

Sans said, pointing to two very conveniently placed lamps. Cory grabbed Shelby and pulled her behind the lamps, aligning their bodies to the lamps exact specifications. The pair could hear footsteps coming into their area.

"Sans! It has been three whole days, and you have still not recalibrated. Your. Puzzles!"

San's brothers voice rang throughout the area. Sans chuckled.

"Oh come on Papyrus, I've been getting a ton of work on them, a skele-TON."

Sans said. Cory was violently shaking in response to the pun, in which a quick hug from Shelby calmed him down. A loud groan from Papyrus confirmed that this relationship between the two brothers was filled to the brim with puns.

"Sans I'm serious! What if a human comes by? I need to be ready! I must be the one! I will be the one! I will capture a human! Now I will go and make my puzzles more puzzley!"

Papyrus declared triumphantly. A chuckle could be heard from Sans, as the pair heard Papyrus run off.

"You two can come out now."

They heard Sans say, which resulted in Shelby peeking out from behind the lamp, and walking out from behind it, with Cory right behind her. 

"So what was that all about?"

While that phrase was spoken by Cory, the exact phrase was also spoken at the same time by Jess. She and the others looked around, which all of them were on their butts on the ground.

"I have absolutely no idea what just happened."

Ross said, some red dust near his feet, which nobody really payed any head too. Max shrugged.

"I'm with you. I have no idea what just happened."

Max said. Red fell backwards onto his back on the ground.

"Well, judging from the amount of pain in my gut, we all fought a security guard, got our a**es kicked, and then that guard got arrested. So, what now? The trip's gonna end soon at this rate, and we still have no clue on what we're supposed to do without Shelby and Cory."

Red summed up in the span of two seconds. 

"I thought that we had a whole plan planned out in which who fell when?"

Adam asked. Red nodded.

"We did, but judging from how Officer Tina could use magic, and the fact we keep randomly getting new powers, and the fact we all just got utterly wrecked, I doubt we should stick to that plan."

Red said bluntly. Barney pulled out his phone, and sighed.

"No signz of themz callingz eitherz."

Barney said, placing his phone back in his hoodie pocket. A whistle could be heard from the teachers.

"All students! We're leaving the Mt. Ebbot area! If you don't have your whole group, then nobody cares. Get on the bus. NOW!"

The teacher yelled, getting everybody off the ground, grabbing their bags which had a large layer of soot on them, and hopping on the bus heading back to the city.

Our Souls Will Be Stronger Than Stone (SIUA BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now