The Beginning

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   It all started on a rainy night in the Mercer household on 1254 Maple street. Louis Mercer was having a sleepover with a few close friends, the night was starting to become boring his friends bellowed. Louis had an idea, his Father, a monk at the town monastery had brought an interesting toy home Louis thought to himself Louis ran upstairs to his father's room he had remembered where his father had hidden the "toy" his father had wrapped the board in a special blanket with weird markings. Louis thought because it was close to his birthday the toy was for him.

Louis found the board and opened it and ran back to his room to surprise his friends. Louis placed the board on the floor and some instructions fell to the floor Louis' friend Abby had seen one of the boards in the newspaper and warned Louis not to play with the board. Louis insisted they play with it. His other two close friends thought about the board. His friend John said he had known the name of the board. Louis asked what was the name of the board Abby shouted it's a oo-wee-g board. An Ouija board John said, Abby answered, YES!

Louis asked, what does it do Abby? Abby shrugged her shoulders and replied Idk? Abby asked, John what does it do? John replied, my mom said that an Ouija board is like a fortune teller and it used to talk to spirits in the other world. Abby said, what do u mean talk to spirits. John said that is all my mom told me before I got scared and went to bed. Louis said, well let's play Abby and John agreed. Louis had read the instructions and set up the board soon Louis, Abby, John were sitting in a circle around the board. Louis said, the instruction say ask is questions. Abby said, I will go first. Abby asked, the board are the any spirits here. The triangle shaped courser moved to the giant YES written on the board. Abby let go of the triangle shaped courser and moved backward away from the board. Louis asked the board what is the name of the spirit in my home. The courser began to move and spelled out F-E-S-T-E-R.

John said, Fester? Abby said, who is Fester? As Abby asked the lights began to flicker and a Dark Figure appeared in the corner of the room. Books and toys around Louis room began to fly off the walls and around the room. Abby began to float toward Fester. Fester opened his arms and began to scream Abby. Louis screamed for his Mom and Dad

But before they could get to the room Fester had dragged Abby into the board and the board had disappeared into mid air in front of Louis and John eyes. When Louis parents came to the room Louis and John were so distraught that Louis parent did not understand them. Louis Mother and Father did not believe them and thought the kids were just playing hide and seek. Louis parents sent John home, after they could not find Abby. When John made is home Louis called John, they talked about what happen to Abby and how they can get her back John said, tell your dad. Louis said, HECK NO! he is going to kill me if I tell him that I messed with his stuff. John said let's meet up after school and go to the monastery and tell them about what happen and ask them who Fester is. 


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    When Louis and John went to school all their Students were asking why Abby had not come to school Louis and John were trying to explain but their Students did not believe them. During The whole day the school asked them where Abby was and Louis and John tried to explain but no one believed them soon rumors began to arise saying Louis and John Had killed Abby and that Louis parents were covering it up because his dad was monk. After school no one approached Louis and John. Louis waited for John After school and they met up in front of the monastery.

 Louis waited for John After school and they met up in front of the monastery

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       John was scared to go into the monastery but Louis told him there nothing scary about it if his dad came there every day. Louis opens the door and a monk approaches them and the monk asked them WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? WHAT DO YOU WANT! Louis says, we would like to speak to Father Jacob. The monk showed Louis and John were Father Jacob was Father Jacob was in a meeting with Louis' dad so the monk told them to hide from my Dad so he wouldn't ask why we were there. 

After Louis dad left they knocked on the door Father Jacob said come in my child they stepped I the room and sat down and began to explain what events took place before Abby's disappearance. Father Jacob was skeptical about Louis Story. When john mentioned Fester, Father Jacobs facial expression changed.John asked, Father Jacob do you know who Fester is? Father Jacob said, He was a former Monk who went rouge. Louis asked, what do you mean went rouge? Father Jacob began to explain, Fester used to be a monk but he started worshiping demons and evil spirIts saying they were more powerful than god and angels. When It came to my attention he had already killed a little girl as a sacrifice but me and the other monks caught him in the act and trapped him inside that Ouija Board that you kids were playing with. Father Jacob pulled out a picture of the girl Fester had killed. John said, that girl look just like Abby. Louis grabbed the picture and looked in disbelief that the girl looked just like Abby. Father Jacob, continued to say that Fester vowed that he will get revenge on the town and the monastery. Father Jacob asked Louis and John were the board was Louis Explained that when Fester got Abby the board disappeared. Father Jacob Scratched his head and thought about it we will have to go to the old monastery building where we had made the exorcism so long ago the old monastery building was abandoned just a few days after the exorcism of Fester. Louis and John were ready and geared to go, but Father Jacob had said, that Louis And John couldn't go to the building without a monk to assist them on their journey John Said, Father why can't you assist us on our journey Father Jacob thought about the boys decision and agreed to accompany them. their quest to get their friend back from Fester, was not an easy road.     

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