Forced to Accept

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After a few weeks of recovery, Robert and Jennifer were released from the hospital. Monica decided to keep Jennifer around. She hired a personal nanny to care for her since she can't walk. Robert looked around the big house trying to remember the life he had. Still very hazy. He felt arms around him. He turned to see Monica smiling up at him. "Hi." he greeted. "Hello. Still trying to remember?" she asked. "It all seems confusing. Like the doctor said it will take time." "Don't worry about a thing. I will help you remember." "Okay, I trust you can." "How about we go to the beach and talk? That way I can tell you everything." "I would like that."

Monica pressed her lips against his. Robert held her close. He pushed away from her shaking his head. She looked up at him confused. "What's wrong honey?" she asked upset. Robert stomach turned as he looked at her. He couldn't understand why he felt that way when she kissed him. Like something didn't feel right. "I'm sorry. Can we give the kissing a little time? I want to get adjusted." he replied. "Okay. I'm going to run to the market. Make yourself at home. Love you." He smiled as she left the house.

He stands at the window watching her leave. She pulled out the driveway and head off. Robert bolts down the hall and into Jennifer's  room. She gave him a funny look as he knelt down to her. "What's wrong, Robert?" she asked. "You said your my friend right? You will always tell me the truth?" he replied. "Of course we're friends. Where's Monica?" "She's at the market. I don't know but, something feels wrong. I feel angry and discusted when I'm around her. It all happened when she kissed me. Tell me why I'm feeling like this!" "Calm down. I would tell you the truth. But, I made a promise." "What promise? Does it deal with Monica?"

Jennifer stared down at him on the verge of tears. She rolled back from him and reached into the closet. She placed it on her lap and rolled back to him. Robert sat down on the bed and watched her pull out a wallet. "I need you to promise me that when I show you this. Don't say a damn thing to Monica. She's bad news." she said pulling out a picture from his wallet. "You have my word." he replied. She hands him the cumbled up picture. It was damaged by the water. "The hospital gave me this stuff. It was what we had on us so they could identify us. When we crashed I swam us to shore. Some guy saved us. The rest is history."

Robert stared down at the picture. It showed a beautiful young woman beside him along with a four year old boy. She had a wedding vail on and bauquet of white roses in hand. He smiled to himself as tears ran down his cheeks. "Is this my real family?" he asked. "Yes. Her name is..." "Secillia." Jennifer smiled up at him suprised. "That's right. Bobby, you're starting to remember." "This little guy here is my son Preston. It's starting to become clear. Can I keep this?" "I would advice not to. Monica psychotic and dangerous. I know this because she threaten to kill me." "I'll protect you. If you need to make a call without interruption. I can keep her distracted." "Then what? Look at me! Some get away that will be." "I'll find a way."

He takes the picture placing it in the box. He carried it to the closet setting it down. He takes her hand giving her a warm smile. "Don't be scared. I won't let anything happen to you. Hopefully, my memory comes back soon. Since your my friend I'm putting my trust in you since we're friends." said Robert softly to her. Jennifer smiled giving him a tight embrace. "Thank you. We'll be out of here soon. Go back home to our real families." Monica's voice called for Robert. He gave Jennifer a wink as he left the room.


I arrived home from a long day at work. Preston was already in bed. I sent the babysitter home. I went to my room and closed the door. I undressed from uniform and stepped in the shower. The water felt warm against my skin. I rubbed my neck which felt sore. I washed my body and hair. I step out wrapping it around me. I stepped into the room and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Matt. He was sitting there smiling at me. "What the hell are you doing in my room?" I barked in anger. "I wanted to see you." he replied. "Can you knock on the door like a normal person? You know what get the fuck out!"

Before I could open my bedroom door to show him out I felt him tug me back. I fell onto the bed. I went to scramble away while screaming. Matt was on me as he covered my mouth. I wiggled under him trying to get away. "Shut up! I'm not going anywhere. I hate having to win your trust over the nice way. Instead of asking you to get back with me. I'm just going to take it. Tomorrow you and I are going to the court house. I have a day set for me and you to get married. If you don't I will break every bone in your son's body. Do I make myself clear?" I cried behind his mouth as I tried to fight him off.

He removed his hand from mouth and I spit in his face. "You're a fucking bastard! I had a feeling you wouldn't change. I can't believe I fell for your bullshit!" I spat. He laughed in my face. "Oh Cece, we're going to have a happy life." "Get off me!" He began kissing my neck. I was able to loosen my arms from under him. I began punching him. He sat up taking the towel off me. "Stop!" I shouted. I kicked him off as he fell on the floor. I go toward the door to open it but, was pulled back. He cover my mouth and slammed me on the bed. I kept fighting him until he punched me hard across the face. I passed out unconcious.

I woke up in the morning. My head was throbbing from pain. I sat up to see Matt over by the mirror. He was putting his tie on. My eyes grew wide when he loaded his gun and put it in his jacket. He walked over toward me and I covered my self up. He sat down moving my hair back. "You got a mark. Nothing a little make up couldn't hide. Get ready your dress is right there." he said. "I hate you." I snapped. All Matt could do was smile as he walked toward the door. "Our lives change from here. See downstairs in five." He stepped out and closed the door behind him.

I broke down crying. I'm such an idiot. How could I let him back in my life? I looked in the mirror to see the dark purple mark under my eye. I didn't want to marry him but, my son's life is worth more than mine. I have to suffer through this. The small ceremony was a blur. I just stood there not paying any attention. I tried to stomach saying 'I do'. I hesitated in sighing the marriage license. Fingers shaking as I began to sign it. This is it. Matt is my husband. He pulled me in for a kiss. I didn't dare to kiss him back.

We arrived home and he yanked me inside. He dragged me upstairs to my room. He through me on the bed getting on top of me. "Matt stop it!" I screamed. I seen Preston walk in on us. He jumped on Matt pulling him off me. "LEAVE MY MOM ALONE!" Matt pushed him hard to the floor. He picks him up yanking him out of the room. "Mommy!" I yanked at Matt's shirt trying to keep him from hurting my son. "Don't you dare hurt my baby!" I shouted. He elbowed me in the stomach and I fell to the floor. Matt punched Preston twice and dropped him on the floor. Locked the door behind him.

He dragged me by my arms into the bedroom. He began ripping dress off as I laid on the bed. His mouth was all over me. He held my arms behind me as he raped me. I hated every second of it. Once he was finished he gets dressed and leaves. Once I made sure he left the house completely. I picked the lock to my son's room.

Preston was on the floor crying. I helped him and laid him on the bed. "Are you sweety?" I asked in tears. "I told you mommy. He's a bad guy!" replied Preston. "I know. I should have listen to you. It's all my fault." "No it's not. You're a good person." "Am I? I was forced to marry him. I should have known he was trying something. I'm sorry. I really am." "It's okay mama. I know my daddy will come back soon. I can just feel it. Tell me you believe he will." I kissed his forehead and I hugged him tight. "I do. I believe he's coming home." I let out a sigh. I need to get my son out of here.

***How will Robert and Jen escape from Monica? How will Cece get her son out of the house? Vote and comment please. New update soon***

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