Memes cure depression

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I sat in my room looking at a shit ton of memes. Still alone as I should be getting used to by now.

"Seen it" I clicked

"Seen it" I clicked again before closing the computer

Knock knock

"Hey Lilly it's me Stephanie boo" I hear Stephanie say and I open the door

"What" I hiss

"Wanna go to the arcade with us?" She asks and I sigh

"Is; you know who, coming?" I ask and she nods hesitantly

"Fine" I sigh following her outside and getting in the car with everyone, I sat across from Loki and he avoided eye contact

But I didn't, I stared at him strongly.

We exited the car and went into the arcade and everyone split up, Loki went and sat down reading a book next to kasidy as she munched on pizza

I sat with them, just to make Loki as uncomfortable as possible.

Kasidy eyed us both.

"How was your day Loki?" I smirked and he looked at me

"Fine." He mumbled and I took a slice of pizza

"You hungry? You look a bit SKINNY" I held a greasy slice to his face and he pushed it away

"No thank you" he growled and kasidy just sat there staring in confusion

"Look it's greasy like your HAIR what a coincidence!" I growled back and kasidy got up and left as me and Loki glared at each other

"What's your problem" he glared and I smirked

"What do you mean??" I asked and he clenched his jaw

"I'll doing all this to protect you" he spat and I glared

"I don't need protection; I need you" I hissed and he leaned back calmly

"Will you just love me?" I hiss and he sighs

"I do love you" he mumbled

"Then show it; quit avoiding me, quit yelling at me, and just show it" I sigh leaning on the table

"Okay okay I'm done trying to help you, you wanna be together and risk it all then let's do it" He groaned and I smiled

"I'd rather risk it all then have to sit in my room and cure my depression with memes for the rest of my life" I sighed and he chuckled

He actually chuckled.


"Do you love me?" I asked and he nodded

"I do but.. I don't know what to do Lilly honestly" he sighed and I nodded hesitantly

"I'm leaving. To go help Thor for awhile, going across the universe and such... I don't know if I'll be back or when but..yeah" he rubbed his temples and I nodded

"I understand" I stood up and he nodded

"Look at the time man; I got to get back home!" I choked almost crying

"Lilly..." Loki mumbled but I brushed it off

"See you later Loki" I sighed walking out of the arcade and going home

Time skip brought to you by hell.

I brought out my guitar and strummed some tunes, that ended up in me crying and getting snot on my fingers and hair

"Why do I still love you; why do I still want you back?" I sang before dropping the guitar and walking to my bathroom

I looked in the mirror and smiled which just made me break down more

"I am a mess and a half" I chuckled wiping the tears from my eyes

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my chair; falling asleep thinking about him.


I want them to get back together!!! But I'm taking it slow; I want her pain to go long and hard but I want it to make her grow as a person you know what I mean?

HOUSE OF MISTAKES :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora